Greetings from Sunny California

Hey everyone,
I've been lurking here long enough and figured I might as well contribute. I've grown vegetables for food for a number of years, but have just recently decided to give super hots a try.
Like I said I live in California, in the Woodland / Davis area, but despite being in the agricultural capital of the state my growing space is severely limited by not having a yard... (apartment life)
That said I've got a few peppers going in pots under lights and will likely be experimenting with hydroponics sometime in the near future. 
There is also a good chance that I'll need people locally to give my plants to when wind up with to many for my lights, or have too many seedlings sprout.
Happy growing 
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo:
Welcome to THP.                                                                             From St. Aug.