Greetings from The Cold!

defeyter said:
I have them on a heating pad, and the soil is around 80 degree F range indeed. I also run a humidifier with warm mist, bringing the temp to around 80F as well.
I just ordered a 400W HPS/MH combo which I can hook up to the air exchanger to suck out the heat. The MH bulb initially has 36,000 lumens, and the HPS bulb has 55,000 lumens. For flowering, that makes a big difference.
Sounds like you are on your way.  That combo will help tremendously.   You may be pushing things a little with 20+ in a tent set up but you could always cull a few to make room. 
PepTalk said:
Sounds like you are on your way.  That combo will help tremendously.   You may be pushing things a little with 20+ in a tent set up but you could always cull a few to make room. 
Yes, I am planning on keeping one of each variety (strongest of course) and then I can do cloning if needed. The rest will go to a friend who is experimenting with vertical growing in a tube.
I also have a 1ft x 5ft x 7ft closet available, with sliding doors. I might try to setup this new HID in there without the tent. The white paint should be reflective enough
Scarecrw said:
:welcome: to THP from new jersey. Already getting help in your first post. Got to love this place.
Thanks for your welcome! I seeded Beaver dam and Madame Jeanette last night, placed them on a mat. The last batch of these did not germinate, so I am looking forward to the results!
OK, back to the Piri Piri. I gave it some better fertilizer, epsom/aspirin, as well as some blood and bone meal combo a few days ago. This is what this piri piri looks like today.
I think it is looking better already! Any thoughts or additional recommendations...?

Welcome from............Chicago
Your Piri-Piri appears to have chemical burn on the edges, and perhaps overwatering by the looks of the lower leaves. Let her dry out...I bottom water, that's where the roots sit.
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida! :woohoo: 
Thanks again for all the welcomes. A short update, as both Piri Piri started to bloom. Although they are still short, I am very enthusiastic. I might pinch flowers from one plant and leave them on the other to do a comparison.

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