Greetings from the desert!

Long-time lurker, finally decided to join.

I grow in such a different environment that I mostly joined to do a glog as reference to anyone who needs growing info in harsh desert conditions. So different than how most of you grow!

I really enjoy anuums--since I live in their native region, they really grow well for me. The downside is that the birds they evolved to feed are the same ones that raid my garden. But, it's a great hobby and I look forward to contributing!
MarianneW said:
Probably not during June but I bet you do during December!
nah I still loved it I was much younger in those days and was a wildland firefighter in Nevada heat never seemed to bother me now the snow up here bugs me to no end
I know what you mean about the snow--no thanks! I've lived in the heat my whole life so I can handle the heat but am a pitiful mess in the cold. Plus, the heat is great for all of my gardening.

Thank you for your service as a fire fighter and all you guys do for the families of the fallen.
One of the great things about this site is that there are people with all kinds of growing conditions here, including similar to yours. There are people here from the arid regions of Australia and since this is their Spring, you might want to keep an eye on some of their glogs (grow logs.) A thing to keep an eye on is the Location listed underneath each avitar, and also ask of people like me who don't give enough info. I have grown in south eastern TX, southern CA and north eastern OH so am familiar with those varieties of conditions, and have also spent a wee bit of time in AZ. But a lot of well-meaning people post based solely on their own conditions, even when they are the polar opposite of yours. But don't limit yourself, either, as sometimes people have surprising conditions or just experiences that may be helpful. I was unaware that the area just East of the Cascades is very arid until I joined this site, as an example. And yeah, I'm still in OH at this point, and still hating when white garbage falls from the sky!
Feenix, one of the few places hotter than Tucson. ;)
Most of the baccatum varieties I've tried do fairly well in this climate.
If growing in containers, grow bags (Wal Mart specials!) seem to help soil temps quite a bit, at the expense of even more frequent watering.
:welcome:  to the THP forums from SC!! While I'm not in extreme arid/hot desert conditions- I do have to do battle with some intense heat at times (this last season was particularly bad..)- so always looking for tips/direct experience that I might could use myself. Nice to have you here!