Grew Trinidad Scorpion Butch T peppers, but not hot?

I'm a real noob with gardening. I just got these peppers for my birthday a few months ago. They took forever to germinate. Over 3 and a half months. Took 2 more to finally produce one pepper. They not very spicy although fully mature. Don't get me wrong, they have an amazing taste even being mild for even a habernero. I tasted the oil from one, then I tried a little of a hot sauce which i know is really hot, but well under the supposed heat of the pepper. The hot sauce was well more than twice the heat. I'd have to say its in the 200k scoville range. I know something went really wrong with growing them. Any ideas?
I live in Jupiter, FL. Constant high heat. Growing them in direct sunlight for around 3/4th of the day. The humidity here is almost always over 60%. It has been over 80 every day and no lower than 70ish at night. (Farenheight btw).
I'm really enjoying these peppers' flavor, but i really wanted to experience the raw heat of one.
Hahaha don't get down brother first attempt and you produced something!! :) as moruga welder said gotta post some pics!! Also try ordering plants for next season from the vendors here at THP makes starting you're garden much easier and you'll get the plants you want guys like juanitos are extremely helpful don't be shy buy buy buy :) by
sevenstrings said:
Pics please, they might not be butch t's.
I could send ya some regular trinidad scorpions and some ghosts to try if you want? The trinis are pretty intense!
That a way sevenstrings!!!!!! Show dat THP team work!!!!! :) +1
oldsalty said:
That a way sevenstrings!!!!!! Show dat THP team work!!!!! :) +1

We were all new growers at some point, and we all need help at some point even as experienced growers. I'll even send some cool seeds to grow next year :-)
moruga welder said:
:welcome: to T.H.P. !  got any pics of the pods  ?    :onfire:
should look like these ,

moruga welder said:
should look like these ,
very hot & tasty !  i can send you a few seeds if you want , just p.m. me your addy .     :onfire:
possibly a cross.  Sometimes it happens.  I had habaneros that crossed with something nasty as they were supposed to be yellow lanterns, but they came in with tails & orange.   Had much more heat than my fatally peppers.  
Sometimes it is the luck of the draw.  
you have found a wonderful resource here for pepper knowledge.   I hope you enjoy your stay here.
boboben5 said:
Took 2 [months[ to finally produce one pepper.
That's supicious in its own right.  Superhots usually take 3-4 months.  I suspect that you got an early pod.  These are often stunted, ripen before fully grown, and rarely carry the full heat since they aren't mature.  Are there other pods on the plant?
Welcome to the forum
As others have said there is a good chance that you do not actually have a Butch T.Super hots normally take about 8 weeks from pollination to ripeness.If you produced a ripe pod after only 2 months of growing then chances are you didn't grow a superhot.A pic would be nice.
boboben5 said:
I'm a real noob with gardening. I just got these peppers for my birthday a few months ago. They took forever to germinate. Over 3 and a half months. Took 2 more to finally produce one pepper. They not very spicy although fully mature. Don't get me wrong, they have an amazing taste even being mild for even a habernero. I tasted the oil from one, then I tried a little of a hot sauce which i know is really hot, but well under the supposed heat of the pepper. The hot sauce was well more than twice the heat. I'd have to say its in the 200k scoville range. I know something went really wrong with growing them. Any ideas?
I live in Jupiter, FL. Constant high heat. Growing them in direct sunlight for around 3/4th of the day. The humidity here is almost always over 60%. It has been over 80 every day and no lower than 70ish at night. (Farenheight btw).
I'm really enjoying these peppers' flavor, but i really wanted to experience the raw heat of one.
I send you a PM, get back to me soon if you want some fresh pods and seeds!!!!!! :-), no charge, on me :-). If you get back to me in the next few days I can send fresh fatali, ghost, trinidad scorpion, dragon cayenne and whatever else I got ripe at the moment. Plus some cool seeds to grow next year :-)
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