• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

griff87's grow log '12.

I had actually started my grow a while back but I had phone in which the camera was not working. Well I got a new one so I was able to take some photos. Better late than never. Everything is still indoors since it's still a bit to cold to put them outside.

Lets start with the new plants for this year.

Mini pepper forest consisting of black cobras, bhuts, choc habs, trinidad perfume, aji lemon (the "skyscrapers")


heres a mix of yellow scorps, butch t, yellow/choc/white/purple bhuts. these were started later than the forest except for the aji's and cobras, which were the first to germ so they had a head start


Now the overwinters (now have come back for the 2nd time after a winter war with some mice) continued from another thread
bishops crown (L) & scorpion ®

another scorpion (L) & choc hab ®

another choc hab (L) & bhut jolokia ®

another bhut (L) & another bishop ®

I have been playing around with LST (low stress training) on mostly the bishops crowns since they just trying to grow straight up. I had topped the one but it didn't put out any new shoots from that stem. It started 2 new ones a few weeks later from other nodes from its first cut back. I'll post some more pics showing some of the LST work tomorrow.

And for you brewers out there


Cascade to be exact!
Bet it was HOT!!! Top!

Oh it was. It was good 10-15 min burn from that little thing.

Well I got the rest of the plants into there final containers this weekend. I definitely gotta say, when you're mixing your own soil, it takes a long time to pot up. Maybe its just because I had about 40 plants. I can't wait to see them in a month or 2.

And the hops I think are growing even faster. This is the growth after a week. Red lines are last week and green is today.

It won't be long before this is a wall of green
They're gonna love those new shoes! It takes forever even when you don't mix your own soil! I just potted up my last few real plants...got a 6-8 ornamentals left, but they're all going in 1 or 2 gallons...or just in the ground. Those hops trip me out! Crazy how fast they grow, love the trellis!
Well, it has been a while since I have made an update. I have been pretty busy lately making a ton of hot sauce for my brother and the rest of the sailors of the USS Pioneer. They had made a request and everyone had chipped in for me to make a bunch. Here's the final product.


Here are a few group shots of all the plants. I will post some more plant specific shots later this week.





Some of them look very healthy as others no so much but those are getting some new growth that looks fine so hopefully they will pull out of that funk. I have only seen two pods so far but more have just set so the coming weeks will be exciting. Here's a shot of one the pods.


Oddly enough this is on one of the plants I started this year and not one of the overwinters. I'm now kinda regretting pulling flowers off the overwinters in hopes to get them to focus on growth not fruiting when I put them back in the ground. They are now just budding up and setting flowers. Also another odd thing is that this is labeled as a bhut but it definitely looks like a scorpion. My guess is that it's one of two things. I mislabeled/ mixed up labels or its a cross between a scorpion and a bhut. I have several others growing so only time will tell.

Lastly, the hops. They are up and over as well as producing lateral shoots.


These are the tops of some of the main shoots. I'm 5'6" which is where the lowest one is about and I can just reach the third. This amazes me every year that they do this after growing vertically 12' first.
Almost forgot your bother was on the Pioneer...that was my very first ship. Plants are looking real good! Your hops are just plain nuts! That sauce looks amazing too!
Ok, it has been quite a while since I have updated my glog. The only good thing is that you can see the difference in the plants much easier. Quite a few are starting to pump out pods. I will show a few of those that have started but lets just take the overall look first!


It looks a bit familiar doesn't it?
They have grown quite a bit. I can't wait to see what it looks like in another few weeks.

I think everyone feels the same as I after finding this :tear:

I was really liking this scorpion on my bhut plant.
And my question was answered as if this was just a mix up or a cross.

Cross! I have both bhut shaped pods and scorpion shaped ones. Quite interesting!

Now some choc hab crosses. this first one is the one that I tied down (LST). This is just one of those arms.

Maybe crossed with a bhut? They grew into each other last year.
This is from another plant. This one I'm certain crossed with a bhut!

Now for some others.
Perfume anyone?

This is one of three perfume plants. This one is loaded on one side!

One of my aji lemons

Not sure if they are supposed to be growing upward though? Although not all the pods are. I took the seeds from a pod that was sent for me to try so could be a cross. Anyone have any experience with these?

First purple bhut!

Heres one of my not yellow scorps. They look too elongated but still probably gonna put out some cool pods.

Here's a close up of the pod on the bottom. Definitely looks bhutish. Wonder what the color will be?

Thats about it for now, unless I guess a bump. Having to play catchup leaves to much to show. Maybe I should do a video. It might make things easier.
Shane, thanks for the bump and the info on the aji.

And to continue the pics. Here's some other non yellow scorps. I think a lot of the these are crossed with some type of bhut or naga.

and some more on another plant that look more promising to be true, they actually have some tails


I have many more 'yellow scorps' but I'm gonna try to consolidate a bit
Moving onto some bishops crown

some Jalapenos starting up

Not the greatest pic with the plant being partly shaded at the time, A shot of a black cobra (goat's weed)

Some good old banana peppers to help satisfy the non-chile heads in the family

Lg cayennes are coming along

Some true bhuts on one of my overwinters.

I thought these bhut plants would be bigger by now but it is still early and the foliage is much closer/denser than last year. They just haven't exploded like the scorps. Heres an shot of them

The scorpions are in the background, partially. A better shot of the scorps but still not the best. It's hard to tell exactly the extents of the plant with the rest behind them.

I think to really do some justice I need to make a video. I will try make one soon so I can cover everything much easier. I guess I need to make a youtube account. I've never posted video online before.