container-growing Grow bag size 100+ plants

I’m expanding to 35 varieties (~100 plants) this season. Previously I’ve grown in raised beds and in 10gal-20gal grow bags. I will be using mostly bags this season and want to try going smaller 5gal-7gal bags.

Do any of you use these smaller sizes? Assuming one plant per bag?

My list below.

Peri Peri
Aji Lemon Drop
Aji Pineapple
Queen Laurie
Brazilian Starfish
Ancho Gigantea
Orange Cayanne
Rayados Jalapeno
Farmer's Market Jalapeno
Pasilla Mixe
Vicentes Sweet Habenero
Big Sun / Yellow Sun
Madame Janette
Nu Mex Trick or Treat
Jamaican Yellow Mushroom
Aji charapita
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Chocolate Bhutlah
Fooderama - Yellow Scotch Bonnet
Papa Joe's Scotch Bonnet
Scotch Freeport Orange
Scotch Bonnet TFM
Oxkutzcabian Orange
Red Dominica
Pimenta Moranga
Biquinho White
Biquinho Red
Biquinho Yellow
Carolina Reaper
PrimoX Peach Revert
I'm using containers ranging from 4 to 12 gallons and plants grow tall enough to carry sufficient fruits.
I think it even has it's advantages if you're dealing with shorter seasons, when the plants reached their max rootwise, they will push harder on fruitproduction and ripening.
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I've grown in 1 and 3 gallon fiberpots, as well as 5 gallon buckets.. I'd say a 3 gallon fiberpot is comparable to a 5 gallon bucket in regards to potential yield, given the same substrate. My Lemondrop probably excelled over the Chinense, but I had some pretty good pod counts off of most of them.

The 1 gallons were significantly reduced in output, but ripened earlier, with the exception of the ornamentals, which set tons of pods and seemed to thrive in the 1 gallon fibers.
I have a 3 year old Pubescens that has been in a 1 gallon fiberpot this whole time.. Which sounds a lot cooler until you hear it has only managed to put out one ripe pod in that time. :oops:
Last year was my first year using fabric bags along with traditional pots. I bought some Vivosun and Phat Sack 3 gallon bags off Amazon. The Phat Sack 3 gallon was larger than the Vivosun... in fact, more like a 5 gallon than a 3. Both worked really well. I grew this Scotch Bonnet in the Phat Sack.
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