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Grow Chamber II

Can't really call it a chamber but rather a bench with mylar on the walls and ceilings. It will have room for between 612-1224 seedlings, depending on the size.

The bench is long enough to hold two rows of 17 standard 1060 (?) seed trays. Lighting is being provided by five 105 watt CFL bulbs, the supposed equivalent of 2,500 incandescent watts. They are spaced ~30" apart; the bottom tip of the light will be a maximum of 13" from the "floor" and about 10" from the plant canopy. I will be able to raise them in the spring if I need to.

Tonight I partially finished the light bar - it is an 8' and a 10' metal drywall stud connected in the middle. Added five light fixtures and have finished wiring two of them (using 12-2 wire makes it a bit harder to do). It sags a bit in the middle but that will be remedied with supports from the ceiling.

Pics (hopefully) tomorrow night.

I'm somewhat surprised. Got the bar done - finally - after having to make a couple of extra trips to the hardware store because some idiot didn't put all the pieces in the package - and took a light reading in the place where the seedling will get the least amount of light. Only 3,800 lumens. But, this is without any reflective walls or top. Three thousand lumens should be enough for the plants to grow decently, but I'm hoping the mylar will boost it to nearly double. The same lights, spaced the same distance but in a place with walls painted glossy white, gives me more than 5,000 lumens.

Mike...where are the pics man...show me...I wanna see...
They have to wait until Monday. I ordered mylar last Saturday but the company is using a herd of turtles to deliver it. I think that's why the lumens is a lot weaker than what I expected. But trust me, it isn't anything fancy. Some light fixtures attached to metal drywall studs.

I seriously hope mylar makes a significant difference. I added the top, side rail this evening and all I need is the mylar (plus about three bulbs) to have it ready for the plants. But in checking the amount of light, at the point furthest away from the bulbs, I'm only getting about 1,600 lumens. I need to double that, if possible.

Of course, at this time, the wall reflects no light, nor does the top. Plus, there is no cover on the front.

I got part of the mylar up - what a chore working without frames, not having easy access to wall, etc. The lumens didn't double, at least at the edges, but they are at about 2600. Bit in the middle, between lights, I'm at about 4,700 lumens and that is a foot below the lights.

that ought to be good Mike...don't ya think?...

agree with the mylar without frames...but I will tell you something....a staple gun putting the mylar on sheetrock is perfect...

did you get 1 mil or 2 mil?...

Two mil. I was impressed with how strong it is. I'm using a support (a nail and string that I stuck through a hole in the studs) to keep the light rail taut and figured I would have to be very careful poking a hole through the mylar. Found out it took more effort than I thought!

I took pictures but, alas with the lights on. Looked good through the preview lens but all I see after downloading is three bright lights with a black background. I'll have to get some images tomorrow if the sun comes out and the room brightens up.

One thing about this mylar, I think it will also act to keep some of the heat in.

If this project is prosperous, I'll redo everything next year. I cut my grow list from over 1400 to 1150 plants (at one time I was thinking about nearly 1800!). Also cut the options - I was going to offer 2", 3" and 4" containers but now only 2" and 3". Plus, for the peppers and cukes, only 3".

I may regret this but I won't really moan and groan if I run out of plants. I'll just add another 50 sq. ft. next year!

Trying to find some more mylar locally so I can finish the area. This part is done. The mylar is rolled up on the front but will cover it once I get plants in the area.


I'll have room for between 648 (3" containers) to 1296 (36 cell flats) plants. The other box, which is heated and will be where the seeds germinate will hold between 216-432 plants.

I am at work and can't see the photo so I can't comment but I am sure it looks good

One lesson learned about the mylar and poking holes in it....if you will take a piece of duct tape about 1" square and put it on both sides of the mylar where you want to poke the hole, the mylar will not tear because of the reinforcement....

Thankfully, it didn't tear at all. Left a hole the size of a 10 penny nail.

It is doing what I hoped it would which is basically doubling the light intensity.

I would have expected a man of your building stature to run the romex through the metal stud...I am just busting you. It looks good. Can't wait to see plants in it. When do you start growing for the spring sale?

Likely the first week of February, though I may spread it out over two weeks.

Yeah, I don't like how the wire works but they changed the metal studs on me. They use to be like a V with the tops flat. Now they are almost a box with part of one side missing.

If I have a real good year, next winter I'll probably get fancier. What I need to do - really, is decide what success is! No doubt, if I sell more than 1,000 plants I'll be ecstatic. Anything less than 250 will be a failure. By the time I order the seeds, trays, containers, potting soil, ferts and labels, I'll have about $550 invested. But $350 of that is in lights, boards, fixtures and mylar which I won't have to spend next year.

wordwiz said:

If I have a real good year, next winter I'll probably get fancier. What I need to do - really, is decide what success is! No doubt, if I sell more than 1,000 plants I'll be ecstatic. Anything less than 250 will be a failure. By the time I order the seeds, trays, containers, potting soil, ferts and labels, I'll have about $550 invested. But $350 of that is in lights, boards, fixtures and mylar which I won't have to spend next year.


Well, even if you only sell 250, which you are using as a benchmark for failure, I wouldn't beat yourself up about it. Afterall, it is your first year trying this. No matter what,at the end of the day, you are still working hard towards something you enjoy. I think there is something to be said for that.
Good luck with everything. I will continue to follow along.

Looks good, but I'd suggest using some sort of backing for the mylar if possible to keep it flatter and reflect better. Good luck

I wish I could but there is no drywall on the walls - yet. (I suppose the excuse that I intended it this way so the light would hit the plants at all kinds of different angles won't fly, right?).
