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GROW MORE 20-20-20

So Just went by the local nursery and pick up a pound of this GROW MORE 20-20-20 and is there anyone thats ever used it heard of it will it be beneficial to a bigger crop/more peppers?

just looking for any advice or any feedback on their experiences with it?
And what is the npk of the fertilizer you're using?
To start, in grow,in flower?
Thanks in advance,SMITTY ..
I have full grown pepper plants ranging from super hots to wht bullets also got germinating some yellow brain strains.
Seems a bit hot to me.  My usual ferts are around 2-6-4 with a couple shots of fish bone meal during the course of the season.
20 percent Nitrogen is very high, it is ok for a start but i would not use it as the plants are matureing
i myself have never heard of that brand
thanks your fiend Joe
Wustenfuchs said:
Seems a bit hot to me.  My usual ferts are around 2-6-4 with a couple shots of fish bone meal during the course of the season.
Thanks brother
ajijoe said:
20 percent Nitrogen is very high, it is ok for a start but i would not use it as the plants are matureing
i myself have never heard of that brand
thanks your fiend Joe
Thanks Joe
Kelp4less has a 20-20-20 water soluble that I use. It's a tsp per gallon. I've been using it for like 6 months now and I've had great results. I had a couple plants that I had neglected and had barely any leaves or pods and after about a month they look great. It's organic if that makes a difference to you.

Also it is the same brand Judy at pepperlover uses and she seems to have pretty awesome plants
coheed196 said:
Kelp4less has a 20-20-20 water soluble that I use. It's a tsp per gallon. I've been using it for like 6 months now and I've had great results. I had a couple plants that I had neglected and had barely any leaves or pods and after about a month they look great. It's organic if that makes a difference to you.

Also it is the same brand Judy at pepperlover uses and she seems to have pretty awesome plants
Hey bud I went to kelp4less and the only 20-20-20 I saw said hydroponic and the rate of 1 tbls per gallon is that what you use?
Yea that's what I use, I use it in soil though. And I believe that's a typo. Because when you get the package it says "for soil, use at the rate of one tsp per gallon of water twice weekly"

I do it once weekly though. I buy the 2lb bag and it's lasted forabout 6 months so ffar and there's still a good bit left. And that's watering 50+ plants a week, each plant getting one gallon
coheed196 said:
Yea that's what I use, I use it in soil though. And I believe that's a typo. Because when you get the package it says "for soil, use at the rate of one tsp per gallon of water twice weekly"

I do it once weekly though. I buy the 2lb bag and it's lasted forabout 6 months so ffar and there's still a good bit left. And that's watering 50+ plants a week, each plant getting one gallon
Thank you I'm going to order some and try it.
I 've been using 10-10-10 as a slow release granular for yrs. I also foliar feed outdoors with a 1 gal pump sprayer...indoors with Fish ferts in a 1 qt mister.....just don't "over serve" your plants or they might crash !
PIC 1 said:
I 've been using 10-10-10 as a slow release granular for yrs. I also foliar feed outdoors with a 1 gal pump sprayer...indoors with Fish ferts in a 1 qt mister.....just don't "over serve" your plants or they might crash !
Gotcha ,whats the 10-10-10 that you are using?