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indoor Grow tent Habanero dropping flowers, curling leaves

Hi all,

Can I get advice from people using a grow tent? A few weeks ago, my habanero leaves started curling up and the flowers are dropping constantly. I know some flower drop is normal, but it seems excessive to me.

I've cut back on watering, light is on a 12 on/12 off cycle, tent temp is around ~85F, and humidity is ~50%. I'm also using the FoxFarm trio as fertilizer, and I've supplemented with cal-mag, in the last week and a half (no improvement yet). I also have a fan running when the lights are on, plus the tent door is open halfway for even more airflow.

This is my first time growing in a tent -- the goal is to get my Habanero to fruit and continue it's life cycle indoors.

Any ideas on how to get the plant to grow peppers and start looking healthier?

Thanks so much!


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Raise your light about 12 to 24 inches and see if it helps..
In your case you can see all that large lush growth middle down. Then you see new growth that is withered and curled. Also, there are flower pods growing. Novice here. But from what Ive read, there has been a drastic increase in light intensity that is curling your top most leaves, making them grow flower bulbs and leaves darkening.

This is just stuff Ive picked up on other sites and Im experiencing it myself right now. Its not over watering, transplanting shock, or lack of airflow. The only real change is light intensity in my case..
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