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Grow test about to start

wordwiz said:
I don't have much choice - a couple of customers do not use e-mail and insist on sending faxes. It's part of the computer, so doesn't cost anything extra. You would be surprised how some old-time football coaches and a few business people still live in the stone age.

Hahahaha, I understand. I see it at my office every day. Businesses that send invoices that are barely readable using fax technology that is 20 years out of date.

Even the city water company that services the plant I work on uses them. The need for professional, up to date technical office workers is still very, very high. The problem is that they want to pay near minimum wage, pile the work that should be distributed between two employees on only one and expect quality.

What a world we live in!
My test is about to restart, though I am not looking at which light(s) to use. I've settled on the 13 watt, 225 bulb Red/Blue LEDs. I sowed some tomato seeds Thursday and the majority have sprouted. This test will be to focus on how long it takes the plants to reach 1) transplant stage and 2) Market stage.

This winter/spring I want to raise ~700 or so toms for sale. I want to have them ready by the first weekend in May, which includes having them hardened off, at least to a point. I also want to transplant about 200 or so of them into 3" or 4" containers, for those fools who really think bigger is better and are willing to pay for them.

I will add at least two weeks and maybe three weeks to the grow time, as they are going to grow much better in 70-85 degree temps than in 60-75 ones.

One thing that impressed me was the speed the seeds germinated at. I sowed 12 seeds Thursday evening and have 50 percent of them up. Toms like - make that - have to have, a very fine media to sprout.
