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Grow Update - 19/10

Finally the frost is gone, and most of the plants are outside lapping up the sunshine. We hit 30C yesterday, so I can see a hot summer ahead.

Due to having a house that faces almost directly North, I decided most of my plants were better out the front rather than the back. In the back, there's too many things blocking sunlight as I dont have a very deep block, so only a handful of plants are out the back.


Apparently the postman has been noticing the plants and keeps commenting on how more and more appear every week. Its also fun to watch people walking their dogs trying to work out what they all are


More space on the driveway to put plants hehe


These are the 5 plants out the back, 2 Rocotos, Manzano Red, Goats Weed and an overwintered Bhut that's probably going to have to end up out the front as I dont think its getting enough sunlight


A few of the plants didnt fair too well outside, so they are in the tent for rescuing.

This pot tower is mainly used for Strawberries and Herbs, but I thought I'd give it a try with 12 chilli plants and see how they go. If it turns out well, I may buy a few more, meaning I can have 5 of these going with 60 plants.
What out for that furry brown thing by the tomatoes in the first picture...they tend to make young plants disappear.
She's been yelled at a few times, since some of the pots are real big, she actually jumped in there a few times. Luckily, I caught her before she started using it as a toilet.

She also thinks the reservoir at the bottom of the 4 pot stack is good drinking water. I hope there's nothing in the plant nutrients that is toxic to cats.

I don't know how peppers handle cat urine, but a tiny bit goes a long way when it comes to killing flowers.

better watch out...Iggy will guerilla warfare you...
MiLK_MaN said:
Finally the frost is gone, and most of the plants are outside lapping up the sunshine. We hit 30C yesterday, so I can see a hot summer ahead.

Spring! No frost! Beam me down under, Scotty!
imaguitargod said:
I forsee a few missing pots and pods in your near future...... put 'em out of sight of people. :shocked:

I wish that was an option, but its not.

People around here are alright, if any of the pots ever go missing, thats when they'll get moved elsewhere.
Armadillo said:
Spring! No frost! Beam me down under, Scotty!

It still gets to about 4C overnight at worst, but thats about it, and we are the southern most capital city on Australia mainland (there's Tasmania, but who really cares about them).

Thats why all my plants are in pots, any slight chance of frost, and they are moved indoors for the night.