contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!! room for peppers Rich. I have already filled my freezers. Ain't much I really "need"...I really like wilds and oddball varieties if you got any seeds??? Whatever comes this way will be cool!



Too much awesomeness!!! I am gonna be on google for a while trying to figure out all these BA varieties!!! Thanks a ton for all the great packages so far. John for the encyclopedia of seeds...Jamie for the Seeds, powder, sauce and pods and Kevin for the awesome powder and guys are da poo!!! 
For a bonus pic here's a little something else I got going....

No...I really meant a "little" something else. This is a Numex Centennial that I cut back into a Bonchi...see, I can grow them small too!!! 
Yet another KA prize package arrived on Friday!!! 

These three from Kneppers Peppers...they look painful!!!
The real prize continues to grow...


Pushing 12' now and continuing to climb...and PRODUCE!!!

I mean really??? WTF do I do with all these damn peppers??? Ahhhh...what a great problem to have! Thanks again for all the wonderful prizes and more importantly for the amazing contest!!!
stc3248 said:
Pushing 12' now and continuing to climb...and PRODUCE!!!

I mean really??? WTF do I do with all these damn peppers??? Ahhhh...what a great problem to have! Thanks again for all the wonderful prizes and more importantly for the amazing contest!!!
That's a pretty picture!  Next year I'm going to try pickling Birgit's since it's a crunchy pepper.
Wow!  Best type of Christmas Tree.
Next year, I'm going to have to submit a plant or two for this contest.  I've had some amazing luck getting huge superhot plants here in Houston. 