contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

Your plant looks great CSB  :clap:

I have alot of catchin up to do 

tctenten said:

She had a little growth spurt over the last few days.
Holy sheet! tall ace plant you got!
Hmmmmmmm........I wonder what i should use this LOT powder on....

wayright - how tall is yours? I couldn't read your tape measure.
pr0digal_son - we haven't seen yours lately! show us ur plant!
yellowfin2na - us hydro guys got to step our game up!
randyP - i heard roundup does wonders on your plants! hehehe!
It has been a brutal year here so far. Finally getting some consistant temps after months of non-stop storms.
I have basically put the garden out of my mind after all the broken plants and diseases.

My LOT is still putting out the etched leaves it has since birth,still not sure what is up with it. It isn't a contender,but I will post progress if any and post a final measurement in October. It is alittle over my nips and I am 6'2,so however tall that is.

randyp said:
     Mine slowed in growth but I am starting to get orange pods.LOTS AND LOTS of pods.Im very happy with the choice for this contest.I tip my cap to the soon to be winner. ;)
Not too soon,, ;)  We still have 3 months least thats what I keep telling myself  :lol:
It was an excellent choice,I agree