contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

here are the smaller ones


and here are the 2 bigger ones
Sinn.  Great looking plants!  What I notice as different between my very chinense looking one and the other two is the chinense has zero lateral development and the other 2 have a lot, like the one you're asking about.  The "chinense" one also has much more ovate leaves.
I also notice in my non-chinense two that one has slightly wider/darker leaves and a slightly darker stem.  Yours looks very much like that one.  My other is, obviously, slightly lighter with slightly narrower leaves.
So what I'm seeing is there seems to be a clearly different "chinense" variety here, and yours you post isn't that.  But there also seems to be some more minor variation among the non-chinense ones, and I'm not sure what, if anything, to make of that.
EDIT:  Walchit snuck his post in before mine and I agree with him. All the more recent ones you post look like the fat-leaved type without branching.  But the triple with all the branching is the one I'm talking about in my post.
CaneDog said:
West, in the game!  Don't forget to scarify them first with a quick blitz in the coffee grinder.
Pepper-Guru said:
Actually, we've come to the conclusion that mortar and pestle seem to work the best for scarification, and helps with helmet heads. 
ahh, i see. i was just reading up on scarification the other day, thanks guys, ready to rock now

how we looking?
Walchit said:
From over here it feels like Ed is in the lead. Gpr was killing it, then he got his out. Lol.

Told you guys Id sandbag it, now Ill plant them outside right now just before our next 2 days of miracle rain. I wouldnt have done it so soon if you hadnt called me out. You gone and done it now :dance:

skullbiker said:
I thought Ed gave his a vasectomy!
thought it was only half a vasectomy

Walchit said:
Idk they all kinda look like the bigger leaved pheno.

I agree honestly, all the correct phenos are thinner longer leaves and considering I have 3 all the same as guru had pointed out in previous posts. So you either mislabeled or got a very unfortunate set of seeds in which Id blame Walchit

sinensis said:
ahh, i see. i was just reading up on scarification the other day, thanks guys, ready to rock now

how we looking?
Looking good buddy. :high:
Sinn said:
Ok guys hopefully I get a good one i got 7ish seeds I'm waiting on 1 gotta be the right one

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Hoping for a right one, a sickly one but right one

If your batch doesnt yield the right one I have a bunch left and seeing as 3 germed and all 3 were right phenos I can send ya some buddy :cheers:

stettoman said:
I got a feeling there's gonna be a SNIDELY Award in this thread for somebody!

What, nooo.... no sarcasm here...

ColdSmoke said:
I don't know who that would be; all the advice I see here is completely legit.
percent legit, Ive tried it all

PaulG said:
+1 Jeremy. The spirit of cooperation and support
on display in this thread makes me proud to be a
Chili Head.
Me too buddy :seeya:

PaulG said:
May Chili Godiva bless their...  
whatever peppers have  :tear:    :seeya:     :halo:
Ok Texas blues