contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

Walchit said:
I've never ate a whole super hot so that definitely wasn't me lol.

But speaking of Niagara butt, I'm on the toilet now! Flu sucks

Everyone has been getting that down here too, it could be worse I suppose.
My cousin got the flu that then turned into some kind of pneumonia and finished the week with a kidney stone. Trifecta Im trying to keep my house free of it this year
Gross Mental picture there walchit
Get well buddy

I planted that seed 35 minutes before the picture...the new tent is legit.
Walchit said:
Nice! If your plants get much bigger I hope it falls on them though, just the growdown plants.
Your terrible , he needs all the help he can get. Hes just not on our level

juanitos said:
been cold af in middle of country you southerners got a leg up!

Oh I bet, Missouri family aint happy
Beautiful plant and nice symmetry, now go cut the head off
Ghost Pepper Revolution said:
Haha only if we each eat a ghost pepper or hotter first to make it interesting. :metal:

Lol you sure cuz youve said before how a whole super hot turns your butt into Niagara Falls
I'd love to see superhots involved in extreme sports and other things. Perhaps someone eating a chocolate bhutlah right before dropping acid. Lol
Well, here we go, at least three are sprouting. Hopefully at least one ends up worthy.  :P

The seeds on the right are from kind of a dried bouquet of peppers my former coworkers gave me on my last day at that company. I think they're hawk's claw, but I'm not really sure... in any case, if they sprout, that's one more variety of Japanese pepper, so that'd be nice.
The seeds in this bag have been seriously rebellious. I'm not even sure which type the one in the lower right is. And the color in the upper right is an artifact in the photo, there's not actually blood in with my seeds.
Seedlings are terrifying. I can never tell if Im accidentally killing them. I have to leave them alone for the weekend so maybe Ill set them in a water dish or something so the soil can stay damp from the bottom

They seem to be not growing but maybe I shouldnt have expected them to in just 3 days

This is stressful :0