contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

Um, dummy here, asking the obvious. If an Anuum and Chinense cross, is it still an Anuum? It depends on which plant hosts the blossom, right?
But if it has all the outward characteristics of a Chinense, like these so far are manifesting...?
...and who's to say that your overambitious pollinator bees didn't make the rounds from several donator plants? Just how many possibilities are there that a dozen of us with crosses have differing crosses?
This could turn out to be a pan-generational phenomenon, just because the Guru couldn't keep his Sri Lankan panties on..... :high:
ColdSmoke said:
I have one of the crossed plants too. Kind of exciting. 
stettoman said:
Um, dummy here, asking the obvious. If an Anuum and Chinense cross, is it still an Anuum? It depends on which plant hosts the blossom, right?
But if it has all the outward characteristics of a Chinense, like these so far are manifesting...?
...and who's to say that your overambitious pollinator bees didn't make the rounds from several donator plants? Just how many possibilities are there that a dozen of us with crosses have differing crosses?
This could turn out to be a pan-generational phenomenon, just because the Guru couldn't keep his Sri Lankan panties on..... :high:
This is definitely very exciting, and it's made all the more exciting for me because I know I have the best cross. Out of all the possible crosses. 
Here it is!
Walchit said:
Perlite and a tortilla? Nice technique!
skullbiker said:
That plant will never make it in this competition hanging out with that pot of snowflakes![emoji6]
ColdSmoke said:
The ole perlite tortilla method...
I guess I deserve that...
But this plant will grow taller and stronger than the corn which made the tortilla it feeds off
stettoman said:
Um, dummy here, asking the obvious. If an Anuum and Chinense cross, is it still an Anuum? It depends on which plant hosts the blossom, right?
But if it has all the outward characteristics of a Chinense, like these so far are manifesting...?
...and who's to say that your overambitious pollinator bees didn't make the rounds from several donator plants? Just how many possibilities are there that a dozen of us with crosses have differing crosses?
This could turn out to be a pan-generational phenomenon, just because the Guru couldn't keep his Sri Lankan panties on..... :high:
It would be an interspecific hybrid I believe, such as a mule.(donkey x horse) Same genus different species. These are much more commonly infertile due to larger genetic gap.

Where an INTRAspecific hybrid would be same species different "sub species". Such as a bloodhound/poodle mix. Both animals are same species, but genetic lines are true enough to show hybridization. These are usually much more likely to produce fertile offspring.

Does any of that make sense? :D
Edmick said:
These bitches love the D. Dyna gro that is..

Glad to see, mine comes tomorrow cuz FF aint cutting it. Need my seedings in house to speed up before NJ trip in 2 weeks

NeedsWork said:
Potted up a friend just in case the Chinese aphids get too bad.  :D 
Today was the first warm day in a long time.  Hopefully we are starting to turn the corner toward spring.  Those of you with plants outside are making me jealous!!
Is there anyone besides me with plants outside?