Growing advice Brisbane QLD Australia

Hi Guys,
Found this place googling for info and have literally spent hours reading info.
I bought a few seeds a bit spontaneously and then did a whole bunch of research. There seem to be millions of peppers and its a bit daunting at first.
I got 
African Birds eye
Orange Habanero
Bishops Crown
Black Pearl
Cherry Peppers
I seem to get carried away and will no doubt add heaps of others before long.
I also got a whole bunch of tomatoes Mixed bag of unknown varieties (helped make a decision as I couldn't choose) and left it up to luck/fate.
Any ways, we are at the end of summer here in Brisbane and I have germinated a whole bunch of seeds anyway but what are my chances of getting much fruit? The average minimum temps here in Brisbane are around 10-12degC (50-55F) for about 2 months (mid June to mid Aug) so the average daily temps would be mid to high teens for arguments sake say 17C (62F). I have a feeling I would be ok but what are my chances? Does anyone else around here or in a similar climate grow through winter?
What do people do for cheap pots? I am looking at 20-30L pots (5-7gal) and they seem to cost about $8 minimum and go up from there. So if you grow a few plants it gets pretty expensive pretty quick.
Thanks for all the info so far this is a fantastic place to learn.
Hi there, you should be fine. The peppers probably wont produce well during the cooler months but its not cold enough to kill them.
If you start them now, you may get a few pods before it cools off. Either way the plants should survive the winter just fine, and should be big and ready to produce loads when it warms up again.
Also being mostly annums you are growing, they grow fast and tolerate the cooler temps better then other species.
My cayenne survived and produced through winter and it gets quite a bit colder over here.
10L buckets are pretty good and cheap if your not looking to grow huge plants. Just drill a few holes in the bottom. They are like .50c each or something @ bunnings or similar. 
Id put most in the 10L buckets, and only transplant the outstanding performers into something bigger.
I agree with Nzchili,
I'm in Caboolture and I get pods even in winter. Most of my chilies are in the ground and feed on worm juice and other organics so they're real healthy. I think the trick for Brisbane is keep em in a semi shade area not totally exposed but still outside and feed organically. I find chilies really do better with organics.
Thanks guys,

I figured I'd probably be able to get them through winter, thanks for confirmation.

Good idea about the fabric green bags for potting. I'll see if I can find some cheap. I have grabbed some of the buckets from Bunnings to try too.

For some shade I was thinking I would grow my plants in a shade house with fruit fly netting (about 20% shade) would this be suitable?

Dazastar, where do you or others get supplies in or near Brisbane. Online is ok too. I'm trying to build up repository of info.

Thanks guys
Supplies, for garden stuff - There's a Landscape place on Oakey Flat road, Morayfield. I get Soil, compost  etc in a trailer. For my fertilizers, I have a worm farm and will get some organic stuff from Bunnings as well.
Worth noting, Masters have heaps of seedlings from the chili factory. All superhots that are hard to find there and they sell them really cheap. I got some various types of 7 pods, scorpions and jolokias for $4.95 each.