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Growing Chiles in HEL - 2019

Today I took 27 pellets off the heat mats and transplanted them into their first small pots. Then I moved them into my temporary grow room (sauna) under the lights where they will spend the next 60 days or so until it's warm enough to move outside for the summer.
I've still got another 75 pellets on the heat mats and will move them to the lamps as they pop.
On the tray in the photo, there are two separate LED lamp rigs.
The lamp specs: 
Strip Length: 61 cm
Watts: 15 watts per strip (45 watts per rig)
Kelvin: 6400K
Lumens: 1500 per strip
PPFD (at 100mm distance): 399 µmol/s/m2 per strip
I vote for the Hot Tub!
I guess the weather is odd everywhere now, Mika.
But it is good to see the pubescens getting the
weather they need!
Well, my wife and I did about 1.5 hours this evening after work and completed some more of the deck. Now we have completed 15m2 (161sqf) of planks. Had to stop because my back is hurting so bad now but we did lay 6 new rows of planks which is pretty good. Finishing the job on Saturday, hopefully.
Hot Tub is under discussion with the "homeowner's association"...
podz said:
Well, my wife and I did about 1.5 hours this evening after work and completed some more of the deck. Now we have completed 15m2 (161sqf) of planks. Had to stop because my back is hurting so bad now but we did lay 6 new rows of planks which is pretty good. Finishing the job on Saturday, hopefully.
Hot Tub is under discussion with the "homeowner's association"...
Homeowners associations are the worst! Good luck with all of that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
PaulG said:
Homeowners Association?

Is that the better half kind?
Hahaha! No, for real, in Finland if you live in a rowhouse then a company owns the house and residents own equal shares comprising 100% of the company. In practice, that means that your neighbors have a legally enforceable mechanism for voting and blocking you from doing things that they don't like or are jealous of because they don't have enough money to do themselves.
Six Manzano Rojos sitting in pots, right next to each other - all with flower buds but only one of them has open flowers.
Two Montufars - one medium sized and one small - both have flowers. The medium sized one has a lot of flowers and already a few small pods.
One Pico Mucho medium sized has a lot of open flowers.
I was reviewing my photos from last year and noticed that my Manzano Rojo was full of flowers and even a few small pods exactly on this date. Maybe it has something to do with when the days start getting shorter they kick into fruiting overdrive?
Went shopping with my wife yesterday morning before we started work on the deck. Came home with a 6-seater teak table on the roof of the car, teak chairs and chair cushions in the back of the car, a bottle of Pol Roger champagne on one back floorboard and a kilo of crocodile meat on the other back floorboard.
Here is a photo of the new table without the extension in place.

And a photo with the extension in place.

Had the big Makita sliding circular mitre saw (SCMS) singing all day long and the Bosch cordless impact driver shaking both our and the neighbor's house while putting down over 1000 deck screws. The SCMS is really the way to go when cutting pressure treated lumber that is still sopping wet - difficult and dangerous to make cuts with the handheld circular saw when the wood is wet. The Called it a day at 8pm with the deck 90% complete and sat at the new table enjoying a bottle of champagne. And then all of the sudden I got the mother of all stuffy noses and had to take 4 kinds of drugs to try to open my nasal passages (probably a reaction to the chemicals in the PT lumber). Was too damned tired to start grilling the crocodile so we will have that later today. Probably less than 2 hours of work and the deck is roughly completed (no skirts or proper steps yet).
Great to see how close your deck is to being finished and that you're already laying on the accoutrements.  Should make vacation that much more enjoyable.  Don't piss off your neighbors too bad with the driver though; I'd still like to see you get that hot tub!
CaneDog said:
Great to see how close your deck is to being finished and that you're already laying on the accoutrements.  Should make vacation that much more enjoyable.  Don't piss off your neighbors too bad with the driver though; I'd still like to see you get that hot tub!
Yeah I got in a bit of a hurry to buy the outdoor dining set - in Finland, by the time summer arrives you can't buy summer items. Same in the winter - lose your gloves in February and you're screwed because they are already selling spring stuff.
1500 screws is 1500 screws no matter how you look at it. A cordless drill would be fried after 200 screws or so. The impact driver still makes less noise than if we were nailing planks down with a hammer :-)
Well, it was quite warm over the past month while building the deck. Now that I've finished the deck and started vacation the cool weather has moved back in - daytime highs for the next 10 days predicted between 14-18c (60-68f) with cloudy and rainy weather in store.
As the weather was changing yesterday evening to bring in this new low pressure system, it was storm-level windy and instead of smoking a 7kg (15 1/2 lb) brisket like I had planned I needed to spend time with my 6 Manzano Rojos clipping their branches to tomato cages. They are fairly strong plants already having been outside for 8 weeks, but they were taking a serious thrashing in the wind nonetheless. Guess I'll start the brisket smoking this morning and it will be done by the evening.
The 70coir-10perlite-20vermiculite mixture has really helped things this year. Growing in POBGS last summer the plants were drying out and wilting even with drip irrigation 2-3 times per day. With this new mix, I can go almost an entire week between watering-feedings and I don't even have the drip irrigation system set up yet because I was busy building a deck. My highly unscientific feeding mix has been roughly 25ml CalMag, 25ml FloraMicro and 25ml FloraMato per 10 litres of water. Yesterday we gave everything a thorough soaking and used 100 litres of nuted water. Now that I have used up al the Flora* nutes, I need to sit down and study how to mix up the Canna nutes I have waiting.
Something (little caterpillars) has been attacking all the new leaves on the pubes and I haven't even had time yet to mix up any pest control solution. The garden has taken a back seat to the deck building project this year, sad but true. Too many projects and not enough time!
Nice looking deck, well done! The Pubescens plants might actually like the way this summer is turning out for us, i.e a bit like typical, +27 and sun, then a week with +12 and rain mostly and so on? : )
(The yellow rocoto I had growing that seemed to want to stretch out and therefore went to live with a colleague in a bigger pot outdoors, right before I'd even heard of "hardening", and I thought was a goner after a sudden bout of frost hit and it dropped the fruit it was developing has recovered and has around 15 fruits growing at the moment, apparently rather enjoying life)
chelicerae said:
Nice looking deck, well done! The Pubescens plants might actually like the way this summer is turning out for us, i.e a bit like typical, +27 and sun, then a week with +12 and rain mostly and so on? : )
(The yellow rocoto I had growing that seemed to want to stretch out and therefore went to live with a colleague in a bigger pot outdoors, right before I'd even heard of "hardening", and I thought was a goner after a sudden bout of frost hit and it dropped the fruit it was developing has recovered and has around 15 fruits growing at the moment, apparently rather enjoying life)
Thanks, the pubes are quite happy but we haven't had any 27c days this year - mostly between 18-23 with a few 25s. Last summer was 60 days more than 25c and my single pube also did quite well.
OK, just took a reaper and a csb out of the freezer from last year's crop and had a slice of each. Mouth is on fire, nose is running and gotta have a drink of cold white wine! The rest of these went into the Chili con Carne that I just made.
Now the deck is complete!

Nice work, Mika! The chili plants on the deck are
the best finishing touch. The dining set isn't bad either!
Same here, can't buy anything out of season.
No wonder online buying is so popular. Seems like as we
go forward most products become more homogenous and
of less quality.
PaulG said:
Now the deck is complete!
Nice work, Mika! The chili plants on the deck are
the best finishing touch. The dining set isn't bad either!
Same here, can't buy anything out of season.
No wonder online buying is so popular. Seems like as we
go forward most products become more homogenous and
of less quality.
Thanks. The Montufar in the 3gal black pot is going to be a massive producer this summer-autumn - it's already loading up heavily with flowers and pods. The speed of growth is pretty amazing, might be due to growing in coir instead of dirt. The Pico Mucho on the right is growing in dirt and I'm guessing that it will actually require potting up pretty soon now - I might even put it in an Airpot since I have a lot of them laying around idle in a storage box. I had a bad experience with Airpots last summer drying out too fast but then again it was the hottest summer in recorded history for Finland. This summer is totally different - never seen one this cool. July already and temps are down to the low 60s as a high for the next 10 days according to the government weather forecast. So the Airpots might just be OK even outside this year.
I saw some outdoor teak dining sets with 10-14 chairs and was like "out of three teens, we only have one living with us full time anymore and she doesn't even eat with us" so decided that a six-seater would be sufficient for the wife and I :-) We don't need six chairs but the table space is quite nice when it's not crowded.
I'm old school and I don't buy online unless there is no other choice :-)