Growing fruit

Thought I'd put up a broad Title for my single simplistic question.

I'm growing a dwarf lemon tree (it was a gift) and its put out a ridiculous amount of flowers last few months. Question I have is that some of the early flowers have fallen and theres a small dark 'pip' .... I've been watching these pips for about 6 weeks and nothing seems to change. Aren't these supposed to grow into lemons?

Google tells me they flower then fruit...what am I missing?
Yes, you are missing something...a picture :onfire:

I have a lemorange tree (80% Lemon, 20% orange hybrid) so I have some experience (read: 5 years) of experince as far as those fruit trees go.
I have no idea. It originally came from a garden shop & was given to a friend who lives in an apartment (yup) It promptly started to die (who'd a guessed that) & was given to me with only a few leaves left on it.
I put it in a bigger pot & threw on some citrus fertilizer..leaves came back after a month...and a hundred odd flowers. The whole tree is about 2' high. The tag does call it a dwarf lemon..
How long does it take to get from these things to lemons, they don't seem to have gotten any bigger. Is it waiting for warmer weather?
It usually takes about 68 days to have a lemon ripen fully. It could be waiting for warmer weather, what's the temp down there right now?

Dwarf Lemons should be much taller than 2 feet though (remember, it's still a tree :lol: ) So it sounds like you've got yourself a young one.
IGG a while back you posted some pics of your toms on one of Pams threads. I think you even hijacked the thread but the pics were worth it. Tomatos are after all a...fruit. Just not the flaming kind. Question..have you grown any of the small grape sized plum toms? I had two plants started but alas ...succumbed to wind and LV Vesuvian heat.
texas blues said:
IGG a while back you posted some pics of your toms on one of Pams threads. I think you even hijacked the thread but the pics were worth it. Tomatos are after all a...fruit. Just not the flaming kind. Question..have you grown any of the small grape sized plum toms? I had two plants started but alas ...succumbed to wind and LV Vesuvian heat.
Haven't grown the plum tomatoes, but I have grown the cherry tomatoes. Got lots of fruit....
Well the dwarf lemon tree turned out to grow dwarf lemons :lol: - The lime tree on the other hand, is trying to grow grapefruit :shocked:

Maybe small lemons were all it could manage after almost dying. See what it does next year.

And stop feeding steroids to your limes