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Growing hot peppers in the USA

I live in the Netherlands but I want to move somewhere else in a couple of years. So now I'm looking where I would like to go. Maybe the USA is a option but I would like to go somewhere where I could grow hot peppers all year round and a nice steady climate for my wife that has rheumatism.

What is the place to be in the USA to grow hot peppers (all year round?)

Where is the nicest climate without much temp fluctuations.

Maybe somewhere in Florida?
I grow mine 10 out of 12 months. Last year was my first year and I never brought my plants in to over winter. I just left them outside and when it got too cold they dropped all of their leaves and stopped growing. It was lat nov when this happened. Then when it started getting a little warmer in jan they started getting flowers back on them and eventually kept on growing. This year i'll probably put them under the lights when it starts getting really cold at night.
can you share what area of California you are in?
If you can deal with the earthquakes, brush fires, gun control laws, and the fact that the state is pretty much bankrupt.... San Diego, California is one of my favorite places on earth weather wise and probably fits your requirements. Austin, Texas is also nice but a lot more hot and humid in the summer and growing faster than the city and state can keep up with. Florida is great for growing but also very hot and humid and you have the Hurricanes to consider. If you want it all just move to Hawaii... ahhh now there is a perfect place. Expensive, but no more so than some of the largest cities like SF or NYC. All of them are worth a visit before you decide.
I would consider the Garden of Eden. Apples grew there and it was warm enough that little more than a fig leaf was needed for clothing! Beverly Hills, CA should also be nice, though real estate might be a bit expensive. I don't think Jed every lit a fire to keep the house warm in five years. And if you can find Granny, she supposedly makes a mad batch of rhuematoid medicine. :crazy:

if you truly want to grow year round, IMO no place in the US will do...there are only two places in the US that are in hardiness zone 10B and that is low temps between 35F and 40F...extreme Southern California and extreme southern Florida...peppers will grow but will be very slow @ 40F but will not produce...and of course, I am talking outside with no heat...

someone above said Trinidad...thats way way south Texas across the big pond... ;)
Over 100 degrees for months at a time makes peppers happy and hot, sunniest city in the USA, plus your friends and family will always want to visit when you live in Las Vegas. And as an added bonus, we are going to vote Harry Reid out of office, hip hip hooray!
As weird as it sounds, highly urban areas of the northeast work really really well when it comes to peppers, even though you won't be growing them year round.

I've yet to get any frost over here in Brooklyn, and I only had 10 days of a mid-summer super hot spell that killed flower sets (pretty sure I had pods before a lot of southeners that started their seeds in early february, having bought stunted transplants from the flower shop mid-may).

Basically, what you're looking for is a highly urban space close to the water, but not so hot as to heat stunt your plants mid-season and make you lose a month in the middle of the year.
I've been doing some research the last couple of days, it is not going to be the USA. I'm looking at the Canary Islands now and this is looking hopefull. No change on natural disasters like hurricanes etc.

La Gomera seems to be the best of the lot. Any people here from the Canary Island I can speak with?