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indoor Growing hots indoors-- lets compare notes.

Hey everyone!

I see there are a lot of indoor growers on this site. Im gearing up for another indoor grow, with the main goal to have two or three types going indefinately indoors. I would like to pick everyones brains and compare my previous experiences with other peoples to see if we can get a general idea of what types do best indoors and under what kind of lighting and setup.

Last year I grew a range of superhots and hots under a 600w HPS. I used promix soil ammended with blood/bone/kelp meals, greensand, lime with 15% EWC and 15% perilite in 3 gallon containers. I used two large oscillating fans blowing from different directions to help with pollination as well as hand pollinating on some, although I have to admit I got lazy on the hand pollinating. To be honest, I got lazy on upkeep as well so that could be a factor too.

I had one plant each of red, yellow, and chocolate bhut, a carribean red, Butch T, and Fatalli.

The carribean red was by far the show stopper, it produced prolifically and it couldnt be stopped! Fruit after fruit after fruit set .. continually. The yellow bhut was next, but was significantly less.... The chocolate bhut produce less still. The fatalli, and butch T produced none or maybe a single small pod even though they were 3-4' tall and around 2-3' wide or better. All the plants were about 3'-4' tall and around 3' wide +/-.

From this experience it seems the main two problems growing indoors is lighting, space limitations, and fruit set. Fruit set being the biggest problem in my case. I have more then enough lighting at my disposal... a 600w HPS/MH, a 400w HPS/MH, a 4' x 6 bulb T5 unit and two 4'x4 bulb T5 units - so in my particular case my main obsticles are space constraints and most importantly... fruit set!

Im guessing the main problem was my light source at the time. Although I was using a 600 ... I had ALL those plants crammed under it. Im thinking I would have had better results if I had used that light for a single plant in a 5 gallon container... or maybe two plants tops. This go around, Im considering dedicating my 400w HPS to a single plant in a 5-7 gallon container and seeing how it does.

So how has indoor growing worked for you? Ild like to hear everyones experiences and I think this thread could serve as a good source of information if we all share.

Usefull information that would be helpfull to provide:

1. Lighting type and wattage
2. Growing space
3. What strains
4. What size pots
5. Which strains produced the best? Which were problematic?
6. What size did the plants reach?
7. Soil or hydro?
8. Light schedule?

Ild really appreciate any and all input from anyone that has grown indoors... or anyone at all for that matter! Any information would be great!

Thanks in advance and hope you all have a spicy holiday season.
I have a 4 by 4 by 6 tall grow chamber. I am using a os something soil mixed with sand and compost. Not sure on ratio. I have a 250 watt metal halide set on a 18\6 timer and a heater set at 76 although it stays around 80 with lights on. I use various plastic tubs I get at work (I'm a chef) ranging from 8 oz to 3 qt to 5 gallon buckets. I have various tamato strains as well as....I'm up to 12 kinds of peppers so far. Mostly Habs scorpion and ghosts with some Fresno purple japs and some other I have no idea off just harvested seeds at work. I have had a zero percent germ rate on chocolate hab so far but my orange and white hab are doing good. The purple tomatillo are my best growers so far. I am working on adding 6 cfl 150 watt equivelant as well
Awesome....Thanks for the input!

How are the scorpions and bhuts doing? Are they producing?

Do you hand pollinate or use a fan?
My scorpion are only a few weeks young but my bhuts are doing good. I will snap a few shots when I get home. They grow in the living room and they are kind of our house plants. They are about 11 inches tall and 16 inches wide.
Here is a link to my Glog so you can see picks and some details of my room. http://thehotpepper....log-in-25-days/ I haven't uploaded new pics in a little while. The Fatalli, Bhuts and Tobascos are starting to flower, but no pods on the young plants yet.

The short version of the glog is that I'm using a 600watt HID set up in a room that is about 4.5' x5.5' and I get decent light coverage everywhere except at the very edges of the room. Lights are on 14/off 10. I have switched from HPS to MH and now back again to HPS. It might just be me, but the MH wasn't putting out the light and heat the HPS was so I was having issues over watering some of the slower growing plants. A couple died or sustained some root damage. Since I went back to HPS, the survivors all seem happy now.

Growing and still alive plants:
Bhut Jolokai
Butch T
Paper Lantern
Mucho Nacho
Roma tomato

Seeds in soil not popped yet:
Scotch bonnet (had a couple growing, but they died)
Orange Thai
more Mucho Nacho
More Cayanne
Bohemian bird pepper

There will be more.
I'll keep growing through the winter. Not too worried about pepper production over the winter, but I want a lot of healthy plants come spring.
Here is a link to my Glog so you can see picks and some details of my room. http://thehotpepper....log-in-25-days/ I haven't uploaded new pics in a little while. The Fatalli, Bhuts and Tobascos are starting to flower, but no pods on the young plants yet.

The short version of the glog is that I'm using a 600watt HID set up in a room that is about 4.5' x5.5' and I get decent light coverage everywhere except at the very edges of the room. Lights are on 14/off 10. I have switched from HPS to MH and now back again to HPS. It might just be me, but the MH wasn't putting out the light and heat the HPS was so I was having issues over watering some of the slower growing plants. A couple died or sustained some root damage. Since I went back to HPS, the survivors all seem happy now.

Growing and still alive plants:
Bhut Jolokai
Butch T
Paper Lantern
Mucho Nacho
Roma tomato

Seeds in soil not popped yet:
Scotch bonnet (had a couple growing, but they died)
Orange Thai
more Mucho Nacho
More Cayanne
Bohemian bird pepper

There will be more.
I'll keep growing through the winter. Not too worried about pepper production over the winter, but I want a lot of healthy plants come spring.
Very nice
Jeff - Thats a great growlog. Itll be interesting to see if the plants produce pods indoors since you brought them in from outside.

Keep it coming guys lots of great info!
My Ghosts grown half their life indoors. Before they came inside they were thin and looked like this(Taken Back in september)

They are producing tons of flowers, none have fully opened yet for hand pollination. I know guys I am working on transplanting them. They were pretty small when I put them together in here and I haven't taken the time to move them yet. And a few flower pics. Kinds fun playing with macro mode. I am counting 65+ flowers now(not open yet of course) on the bigger of the two plants.

My seedlings and young plants. Plant to have 20 more in here By january(have 35 seeds germinating and some starting to sprout now)

250 watt metal halide

And before it was a grow chamber....

You guessed it. A monitor lizard enclosure. Held a pair of these black tree monitors

Thanks for looking
Awesome monitor. Reptiles are cool. Had an iguana
for a couple of years, very stoic.
Just checked on my babies this morning and one of my purira is flowering at only about 8" tall. We grew some in our horticulture department on the campus and I harvested seeds from those. Really fun to look at all their colors
Nice! I just ordered a 4'x8' tent and another 600hps I'm gonna run two 600's in it in aircooled hoods.

I've got yellow 7 pot, TSMB, douglah and a better bush tomato going in 7 gallon pots and some peach hab, bannana and various sweet peppers going in 5 gallon buckets as well.

ill get a glog up soon its all been shipped!!

Anyone else with any indoor growing experiences please chime in! :)
Anyone have any notes of fruit set ? I have about 20 plants flowering like crazy, have been for two weeks now, and only one fruit set to speak of. I have been hand polinating as well... any suggestions ?

- Mega
I had issues with bhuts setting indoors too. I was hand pollinating and had a big oscillating fan on them as well. The plants were LOADED with flowers and were growing like beasts but just didnt want to set. I think it might have to do with temps that were to cool. This time around Im going to try to keep them in the 80-90 range during the day and >70 deg at night. I think they dipped down into the 60's at night and were in the 70's during the day.

The habs did great, set fruit like no bodies business... the superhots though ... not so much. Its gotta be temps IMO.