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Hmm Boags said:
Yeah, I think they are coming along OK. Is root rot a majoor problem for potted peppers?

Its been giving me grief with my potted plants. I'm of the thinking now that we need to add humidity into the equation ... best results have come from plants i put in the ground & leave for 3 years.

Hmm Boags said:
We're moving just over the river to New Farm. Right down the bottem near the river.

Nice part of town - 3 arms of the river down there What suburb will you be across from?

I lived there for a while.....
...heres a tip - if walking around avoid Brunswick st. & Merthyr rd.
Hopefully I'll get some room to put a few in the ground in the new place.

We'll be just opposite Kangaroo Point, I think...... Still new to this town!!
Very nice...Storey Bridge Pub at Kangaroo point is one of the best bars/eateries/live music venues around too. But then you'll be like 10 mins walk from the best music clubs in Aus where many bands got their start. I saw 'Cat Empire' down there few years back on a $5 cover charge at 'The Zoo'. Great food open all hours in Brunswick St mall & shopping in china-town....What can i say Boags...its the centre of Oz-artistic universe
ring sting said:
The ones in pots get a feed once a week, and as bent said, the rain seems to be keeping them wet enough.

What are you feeding your plats with? I've just got a general seaweed plant food liquid thingy. Not sure if it's the best.
I've got mine in coco, and if you search, the aussie king of coco is billyboy. I feed them the canna coco nutes -- now.

when i started, I was sold the rong nutrien, Canna hydroponic nutes, anfd have struggles with dem plants from thr get go. I recently swapped and now, only 10 days later, they are really picking up!

Seaweed mix is good, but I am no expert. all I know for sure is that they like it a bit dry, and careful not to over fertilise.

Good luck!
ring sting said:
I've got mine in coco, and if you search, the aussie king of coco is billyboy.

Cool I'll check it out and see how I go.

BTW- Is anyone growing Fresno? I got some seeds from a friend in England but don't know much about them. A bit like a Jalapeno if I beleive the photos.
lately I've been using a 3 in one organic fert just from bunnings (seeweed worm casing and fish emulsion I think).
Cant think of the name but its very very good and is high concentrate so goes a long way if you use it correctly.
stillmanz said:
lately I've been using a 3 in one organic fert just from bunnings (seeweed worm casing and fish emulsion I think).
Cant think of the name but its very very good and is high concentrate so goes a long way if you use it correctly.

"Triple Boost" I just started using the same thing

So, here we've got one of my Orange Habs on the left and a Choc Hab on the right. They were planted and sprouted at he same time and I would have though that given they are of the same family they would grow at the same rate. But as you can see there is a huge size differance. Is there a difference in the full grow size of Choc and Orange hab or do I have a lazy plant here?
My guess would be that you'll find the smaller plant has actually put on more root growth. the leaves on the Choc Hab look more winter like, so may find they yellow & drop in time to give way to the smaller summer leaves. Its growth will stall at that time...when the other will catch up.
Well the family have settled into their new garden. Much more room now and tons of all day sunshine. Not a lot of room to plant in the soil so pots are going to be the order of the day for the time being.


PRAIRIE FIRE. Little flower buds starting to form.


EXPLOSICE EMBRE. Looks like a fully formed plant.. but tiny.


THE WHOLE LOT. Big lanky Birds Eye in the back, Red Scotch in the middle and broad leafed Choc Habs, Orange Habs and Dorset Naga here and there. Even the next generation coming along in the background!!!
Hate to dig up (oooooohhhhhhh - bad pun) an old thread, but I would be keen to see some updated pictures from those of you in Brisbane. I only started seeds around a month ago, so other than some Jalapeno's which came from bunnings, and my wild Birds eye, I am a long way away from getting any pods.
On the bright side of things, it seems that over wintering here will be easy as, so I will hold out hope for a good crop next year.




Thaught you might like seeing the whole set...
They use these for groundcover here.Leave some pods on them so if they die in the winter they reseed themselves every year.