Growing Jalapenos - when to transplant & fertilizing question

Hello hello
For the sake of GLOG here are my jalapenos, they are looking good :)

Since I planted only jalapenos in big containers (as far as I know) there is one or two plants that are producing weird fruits that definitely do not look like jalapenos.
Any idea what it is pepperheads?
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!! Just a daily check on my plants and damn, they are under attack by some unknown ugly bugs! What are these suckers, are they bad guys?? What to do now?


I immediately sprayed the whole area with neem oil hopefully it was a right thing to do!
Not aphids. Could be stinkbug. Could be stinkbug. Hard to tell, and picture isn't great. But they're juveniles of something.
My plants are turning bright green and lower leaves are falling off.. also the new growth is stunted and they generally do not look really good.
You can see in the picture the forefront plants are bright yellow green and the ones in the back have normal green color.
How to improve their health boys?