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Growing Nagas...

My nagas took off to a great start them they got about 1 1/2 inch tall and they haven't gotten any taller in about a week or 2 now...do these peppers grow that slow or is there a problem? I keep them at about 80 degrees and are covered in like a terarium. I water them as needed. Am I missing something?
Dyce51 said:
My nagas took off to a great start them they got about 1 1/2 inch tall and they haven't gotten any taller in about a week or 2 now...do these peppers grow that slow or is there a problem? I keep them at about 80 degrees and are covered in like a terarium. I water them as needed. Am I missing something?

They are slow growers. At about 2 months mine got to be about 2 inches tall and stopped growing taller but continued to get more bushy and the leaves get bigger. At 3 months thy reached about 3 inches tall. By comparison my ornamentals planted at the same time are about 5 or 6 inches tall.

You probably shouldn't keep them covered though. I did that in the begining and some started to get mold spots on the leaves.
Are you guys using lights or just a windowsill. Under flourescents, mine were a little slow to start but are now becoming monsters in the greenhouse/poly-tunnel but I started some extra early this year.
Are you guys using lights or just a windowsill. Under flourescents, mine were a little slow to start but are now becoming monsters in the greenhouse/poly-tunnel but I started some extra early this year.

Mine are just on a window sill (south facing so they get a couple hours of direct sunlight then the rest is indirect light). Planted them in January.
RedThumb said:
Mine are just on a window sill (south facing so they get a couple hours of direct sunlight then the rest is indirect light). Planted them in January.
Then don't worry. I'm an experienced Naga grower and have learned alot from these little guys. Most of the time they take a long time to germinate and a long time to hit what I call "Second Gear". Second gear is when they grow to beat the band. Don't worry, they will bbuild up steam to grow soon.
imaguitargod said:
Then don't worry. I'm an experienced Naga grower and have learned a lot from these little guys. Most of the time they take a long time to germinate and a long time to hit what I call "Second Gear". Second gear is when they grow to beat the band. Don't worry, they will build up steam to grow soon.

cool! My one Naga that sprouted is a nice looking plant so far but small... I know I'll overwinter that one.
Web_Of_Hair said:
cool! My one Naga that sprouted is a nice looking plant so far but small... I know I'll overwinter that one.
I tried my best to overwinter my Naga's last year and they did well except for that last suprise frost (yes, we have frosts in Los Angeles). All of mine died, so I'm starting again from scratch this year. Once again, the are reinforicing the fact that they are slow growing at the begining.
My Nagas are in a window sill as well. Good to hear the slow grow is normal. Will a full spectrum grow light help them out?
Lights will definitely speed things up especially if used to extend the duration of light to 16 hours or more. Like Redthumb said, I wouldn't leave plants in a covered terrarium, they need some air circulation. My plants are starting to grow and produce like crazy already with a naga harvest due for this weekend. I can hardly wait.
ok then I will uncover my plants I'll just have to up the watering a lil bit. With the cove on I water them once a day and the soil stays moist. I uncovered the Jalepenos and I hwater them twice a day cuz the soil drys out faster.....
Dyce51 said:
ok then I will uncover my plants I'll just have to up the watering a lil bit. With the cove on I water them once a day and the soil stays moist. I uncovered the Jalepenos and I hwater them twice a day cuz the soil drys out faster.....

What kind of substrate are you using? You shouldn't have to water that often, even with bottom heat.
Dyce51 said:
ok then I will uncover my plants I'll just have to up the watering a lil bit. With the cove on I water them once a day and the soil stays moist. I uncovered the Jalepenos and I hwater them twice a day cuz the soil drys out faster.....

Careful with all the watering, peppers don't like wet feet. In most soil or soilless mediums you shouldn't need to water every day, and definitely not twice a day. More plants are killed by overwatering than anything else.

If you like watering every day, you should check out coconut coir, its a hydro medium that you treat kinda like soil, except you water til you get run-off every day or 2. But because it retains water well, you can hand water it instead of having it in an automatic system.