So, my TS seeds on the right of that pic clearly aren't doing so hot. My last attempt with them suffered pretty much the same fate.
I harvested them from my first TS plant that grew many years ago.
Are they just trash at this point, or is there anything I could possibly do to give my last remaining few a fighting chance?
Edit: For clarity, I assume the 5 blackened ones in the image are too far gone. I have 5 more that could be attempted.
So, my TS seeds on the right of that pic clearly aren't doing so hot. My last attempt with them suffered pretty much the same fate.
I harvested them from my first TS plant that grew many years ago.
Are they just trash at this point, or is there anything I could possibly do to give my last remaining few a fighting chance?
Edit: For clarity, I assume the 5 blackened ones in the image are too far gone. I have 5 more that could be attempted.