hydroponics Growing peppers hydroponically Need Help!

Bumping this up. I'll be moving my hydro setups outside to an Arizona room. Anything I need to know to prevent any type of issues with the hydro setups?
I am also new to this forum and I just came across your thread. It's very interesting I will definently follow! I just picked up a dwc set up and am currently germinating some seeds in rock wool cubes. I am wondering how you handled the aphids on your plants? Did you manage to get them all? If so how? Thanks!
I agree.  Very interesting.  Too bad the last update was June.
For aphids I use the cheap insecticidal soap from Lowe's.  It will kill whatever it hits.  The trick is, you have to inspect and re-spray every 2-3 days.  (I'm in soil, not in hydro.  I don't think that makes a difference, but who know...)
DMF said:
I agree.  Very interesting.  Too bad the last update was June.
For aphids I use the cheap insecticidal soap from Lowe's.  It will kill whatever it hits.  The trick is, you have to inspect and re-spray every 2-3 days.  (I'm in soil, not in hydro.  I don't think that makes a difference, but who know...)
I will definently check that out. Is is something you mix? Also do you recal what it's called? I hope this thread gets updated!
Nope, just a white squirt bottle.  'Garden Safe Insecticidal Soap'. 
I reiterate:  Find them.  Squirt them.  Wait two days.  Repeat until you don't find any more. 