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Growing peppers near the ocean

I dug through some of my old pictures, and managed to find a pic of the strip I mentioned in my last posting. As a reference, the back fence on the right is about 4 and a half feet high, so with that as a measuring reference, I could redo raised beds like are shown in the pic, but extending the length of the strip, with two plants per raised bed row and plenty of room to walk between them to care for the plants and pick any product. So with six plants total per row, and 35-40 plants per column, I could easily produce quite a crop. And with the fact that there's an unencumbered seabreeze, direct sun for a good amount of the day, and setting up a drip irrigation system, I should be good to go.


And here's the area by the southern wall of my parents' house. As mentioned before, there's no water outlet there, so I'd have to manually water everything here, but there's enough space for even more plants. And converting the quarter-circle there now to a square raised bed won't be a problem.

Nice! I want to grow pineapples....

Chiles, pineapples, and limes...by the sea... :cool:

Would be awesome, wouldn't it? :)

I talked with my parents at length today regarding the house. They double checked the lease they had with the renters for the house, and since the lease ends October 11th, they asked if it were possible for me to do a month-to-month thing at my apartment complex, due to the fact my own lease ends on 9/30. I told them that not only was it not a problem, it may even work out better for me, because the lease on the house ending on the 11th, with me doing a single extra month at my apartment gives me a total of three weeks to move all of my stuff into the house, which is more than enough time, given that I really don't have all that much stuff to begin with. In addition, it gives me a couple extra paychecks to save up some more money, and with doing a month-to-month lease, I'd only have to shell out an extra $35 for the month-to-month fee this October.

The one thing they wanted to make sure I had in stone was my transfer. The IT chief at the site I wanna transfer to, I used to work for, and we left on excellent terms, so my transfer there is little more than a formality at this point. My shift supervisor told me that the transfer paperwork would take, at most, 30 days to get signed, approved & filed. All he needed was to have me tell him a firm start date at the site I wanna transfer to, and he'd take care of the rest. The only other thing I'd really have to take care of would be to find a space there, which would mean I'd talk to my old boss, and I'll just tell him up front that I'll even take a converted broom closet, a work bench, or wherever else he could find for me. It also helps that my division chief is actively pushing for our team to work from home most days, which would make my old IT chief's job that much easier, especially considering that my job entails me only handling things remotely, and being the gatekeeper for the Tier 3 stuff.

My mom was also really gung-ho about me growing my peppers in the backyard. She confirmed that I could put quite a few plants there, and with making the rounds in a couple Farmer's Markets, I could make a tidy profit on the side, which would be a big help in defraying some of the costs of living in the house. I could afford it, but the first couple months would be the toughest for me, all the more reason I should start saving right away :)
Things are moving along for this quite fast regarding transferring up to the parental's house. I've already put in the formal request to transfer, and should hear something back by next week at the latest. This week is unlikely on account of everyone taking vacation for the 4th of July holiday. But again, it's largely a formality, since we're already beginning to work from home, and there should be no reason why I can't work there, even in a converted broom closet. Once I do get word though, my folks can get the ball rolling on telling the renters their lease will not be renewed, and I'll be moving in once they move out. If my luck holds the way it has, they may even find a place early and I can move in prior to the 11th of October.
In addition, the landlady at my apartment complex has agreed to let me put my potted pepper plants outside in the interim, since there's only so much they can do inside. I'll of course have to put a sign outside telling people no to so much as touch them, but that shouldn't be a problem since hardly anyone comes by my place anyway. That, and my apartment faces southeast, so they should get some direct sun for several hours a day. Once I move, they should be good to go, and almost ready to begin producing peppers. My Reapers are ready to go outside right now, but once I get the White 7Pots and Yellow Brain Strains spruted and ready in about a month or two, I can put them out there as well for a little while, just to get them exposed to regular, good old fashioned sunshine...
Congrats on the new place sounds/looks like a really cool place to live. I'm a long way from you but my front door is about 100 yards from the ocean, peppers seem to love it! 
Thanks. I grew up in that house all through my high school years and had some good memories in it. It's by a major quirk of fate I was able to find myself in a position to take it over for my parents. And I'm at the point where I'm counting down the days till I can move in, since I'm 99.99999999999999% sure that the local site I wanna transfer to has a spot for me.
ChilliNZ said:
Who wouldn't want to live next to the ocean for anything? Ever?
People afraid of tsunamis.  Look up cascadia subduction zone for the west coast and the Canary islands off the coast of africa for the east coast.  Sorry if I scarred  anyone too bad :shocked:
I should be ok. Between the house and the ocean is a set of apartment buildings 9 stories high, and in addition, the house is on a fossilized calcium coral ridge so high, I can look into the 4th story of the apartment building across the street, so I'm not worried :)
Congrats on your new home.

I have one piece of advise since your so close to the ocean. If you have a few days of strong, onshore winds, you will need to spray off the leaves of your peppers. Living that close to the beach you will have a lot of salt spray accumulate on the leaves on high onshore wind days.
Looks like it's official! :) I got the word that they'll allow me a space at the facility near the parental's house, meaning I can officially move into the parental's house come October, maybe a little earlier even, depending on how quick the renters move out after they're given their notice :)
Well, it turns out I'll be moving to the house a whole month earlier than expected. My folks gave the renters official notice last week, and rather quickly, the renters found a new place with the caveat that they move into that new place by September 15th. That actually works out beautifully in my favor because by doing so, I avoid having to do a month-to-month lease with my current apartment complex, which was asking me for an additional $200, just to stay a single extra month.
I'd have 3 weekends to be able to move all my stuff in, and my boss has already agreed to let me take the week I'll be moving in off, so I can bring up my small stuff, set up utilities, TV, internet service, etc. I've also scheduled movers to bring up my furniture and stuff on the 2nd weekend, which isn't a big deal, since there's already a Murphy bed in the office, so I'll have a place to sleep in the meantime. Oh yeah, and being the tech junkie I am, I'll also begin networking up the house in earnest during the first week there with the order for networking plugs and such I'll be ordering online in the next week or two.
It also works out perfectly for my plants as well, because the Morugas I just potted up last week ave only just begun to grow, so I can bring them up to the house right away, and put them in back in direct sun, and near the water hose connector so I can water them regularly.