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grown from seed last year and long since forgotten

Hi everyone. Need a bit of help identifying a chilli I grew from seed last year.

I neglected it a bit due to moving house and then gave it to a friend at work. It didn’t produce a single flower last year but kept all of its leaves over winter as it was kept in the office. I haven’t got any of the packets that I used last year and I can’t remember what I planted.

It’s now producing loads of flowers but they all drop despite us both “tickling” them every day to promote pollination. Only one pod has been produced so far.

Pictures below and any tips for getting more pods are appreciated. I wanted to chuck it in the bin but my friend loves it and won’t let me. She was so chuffed when it made a single chilli, she’d love it if there were more.

Thank you. Habenero seems plausible, I knew it wasnt something more exotic
It is a small pot. Its in an office and its no longer my responsibility. I give advice about feeding, repotting, overwintering and it gets ignored.
If I'm honest, I'm slightly (secretly :-) ) annoyed the plant has grown a chilli as it seems to prove me wrong about the advice I've given, But then i'm sure if it had been treated differently, it wouldn't be so leggy and it would have made more than 1 chilli by now.

Thanks for your help again x
I don't think she will get many peppers from it unless it gets potted up or pruned back. That much foliage and growth cannot be supported very well with that small of a container.