Growth has started -- what next?

Hi all,
My germination troubles appear to be resolved after I moved them to the propagator with soil. With that, as of this morning, I have one regular hab and one red bhut poking above the soil; hopefully more soon to follow.
My question -- what do I do with these little guys? Do I keep them in the propagator until a certain point? If so, what is that point? As of now, they are receiving no light. Do they need light at this stage? If they do need light once above soil, should they stay in the seed starting soil or should I move them to solo cups with some other soil medium? If so, do you have any recommendations on a commercially available soil that isn't too pricey? I don't want to get into fertilizers at this point, but if you have any quick tidbits of info, I'd be more than happy to read them.
I might as well throw in my lighting predicament as well since I think I'll be using it soon. I have a 300w LED setup, hopefully it'll suffice. I've had it powered on for ~10 minutes total, it does put out a little heat, but I'm not sure if it's enough to burn plants. I've read some people have this amount of light ~18" above the plants, some a few inches, and some right on top. Could anyone here possibly clarify where my light placement should be?
As usual, thank you for any and all advice!
When "hooks" break through the surface, they want light.  Using a spoon, remove the hook along with a plug of the starting soil.  Just be careful.  It's not difficult.  Place the hook into your Solo cup that might contain an organic potting soil.  That would be a safe route to go.  Someone else can address the LED questions.
Keep them in the cells until the show thier first or second set of truw leaves then transplant to bigger containers or solo cups etc.
Yes, they need light get them under the light. I am unfamiliar with your lighting but if you are saying its putting out heat i wouldnt put right on top/right above the tray. I will leave that for someone else to answer my guess would be a foot or so and you'd be good.
There are sevaral good choices for soil medium, I personally use promix

For transplanting I usually remove the seedlings and soil with a spoon and transfer to cup and add soil.
fusedpro said:
1 My question -- what do I do with these little guys?
2 Could anyone here possibly clarify where my light placement should be?
1 you want to transplant them when they pop up. or atleast take the humidity dome off. If you keep them super humid / wet, they are more at risk of damping off(dead plant). Just get any kind of potting mix you can find (promix is recommened alot, miracle grow works as well, or make your own(5-1-1 mix)). Like jim said, just scoop em up carefully not to damage root, and stick em in solo cup.
2 I don't think your light should get that hot... Rule of thumb, if you can touch it without discomfort, plants can touch it. I would still put it at around 6" away if you have a way to do that. It will run fine 18" away too, just more loss. Giving off a little heat can help keep the plants warm if it's cold where you are, which is good.