Growth Problems & Poor Appearance

So, I planted these guys one month ago and there has been little to no growth compared to my potted pepper plants. I did zero hardening off and I think they might have been overwatered for the first 3 weeks.


I am hoping I can turn these guys around before it is too late.

you might just want to clip those 3 big leaves off, might want to throw some nutes at it if you haven't already.
OKGrowin said:
you might just want to clip those 3 big leaves off, might want to throw some nutes at it if you haven't already.
Those 3 big leaves are where it's getting ~70% of its energy to grow!  They may eventually need trimmed or fall off on their own but for now they are useful.
1)  The soil has a lot of clay and is compacted.  Next time you plant, mix in fiberous material and till the soil more.
2)  They need some nitrogen and probably other fertilizer.
3)  There are bacterial spots on the leaves from water splashing up from the ground.  If it is from manual watering rather than rain, try to avoid hard spraying at the soil.
4)  Water more.  When the ground cracks that's a sign to water again.  On young plants it will tear the roots too.  On a related note, consider mulching that area.
Does the area get enough sun?  Differences in sun can trump other factors.  Another problem is insect damage but there's not much you can do about that besides picking an insecticide or planting something nearby that drives insects away, fragrant plants like lavender or whatever.
Thanks Dave2000,
That area gets lots of sun. Probably from 9am to 5pm. Regarding the soil, I mixed in a whole lot of dried cow manure hoping that would help. Four of the containers seen in this picture, plus three 5 gallon buckets.

Watering... Have you been spying on me?! This is my first time with an in ground garden and I got one of those water gun attachments for my hose... I have probably been blasting too hard. Now i will just fill up buckets and soak the whole area ever few days.
The reason why the ground is cracked is because I was watering too much for the first two weeks. (usually twice a day.. once before i left for work and once when i got home.) Now, I just need to find a happy balance.
Regarding fertilizer, I have both epsom salt and all purpose miracle grow. Which would you recommend?
Fiberous material in the soil will help it retain moisture and crack less, as will mulch.  I'm confused about what you pictured as it doesn't look the same as the soil the plants are pictured in.  Manure is a good fertilizer but doesn't do as much to loosen up high clay soil as fiberous material - Leaves, grass, pine needles, sawdust, even weeds.  You can even throw your old excess seeds in the soil in early spring not caring if frost kills the growth because you're going to turn it under as a fiber addition to the soil.
Epsom salt can help but I was primarily referring to NPK nutrient sources.  They look a little light on nitrogen particularly and clay soil impedes nitrogen delivery, water just sits and roots penetrate it slower.  The miracle grow will give you that, though I would also consider adding some coffee grounds to add N as well as reducing the soil clay ratio.
The way I read your pics it seems like originally you were overwatering, then backed off. Yellowing leaves is most often caused by overwatering. Overwatering on its own will also cause the brownness on the edges and spots on the interior wall of leaves. BLS can also cause that, but I'd be surprised if they had BLS at this point. As noted, the newer growth looks good, so it seems you are on the right track. And yeah, no power washing! 
1. DONT OVERWATER - This is the most common mistake that everyone makes and I made it.
2. DONT POWERWASH - Avoid using one of those hose nozzles that are meant to wash cars... Use a bucket and try not to hit the leaves.
3. PLANT FOOD - I used just normal miracle grow plant food and a few days later I had a bunch of new, good growth.