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growth rate

what is the average growth to maturity rate with chinense peppers?
I started some last july and are just now putting on flowers? thanks everyone
Thats abnormal.......first year I grew, I started my nagas and savinas april 30th and had ripe peppers beginning september.
Ok thanks I was wondering if they were just late!! I kept the temp down around 70 through the winter in the grow area so I figured I stunted them as well!
jolokia_jas said:
IMO you'd want that temp up around 90 mate, but hey that's just my opinion... But yes! that is extremely slow....

I am sure you are right but it just wasn't possible when it was snow on the ground and it was in an open shop!!
next year I will have an enclosed area for them in the winter!
Probably more of an issue with lighting and fertilizer. Give them a shot of magnesium and calcium, that should jump start the flowering. My chinense were not kept at high temps, probably only in the 70's, my seedlings started at the beginning of the year are already flowering. The ones I overwintered have flowered all winter long under the metal halides.
I usually expect 5+ months for a decent flush of peppers and I usually pick off early flowers too
They definitely don't need to be 90 F especially for overwintering. Thats about the maximum I like my greenhouse to be although its sometimes easier said than done. I start all my plants indoors with no additional heat around 60-65 F and they may grow a little slow and flowers may drop but they usually grow thicker and stalkier too. I agree that you likely need more or better lighting
If they are that slow I would toss them and just get new seeds or just buy live plants. Whatever happened to them isn't worth trying to "fix" now. I typically grow my seeds inside for the first 6 weeks and the good ones start to flower and end up around 6-12" tall. If I put them outside it's another 6 weeks for fruit and if I keep them inside and move them to an HPS it's around 4 weeks for fruit. So all in all I can get fruit from my plants in around 10-12 weeks and they end up around 2-3' tall.
I had 16, 100 watt cfl 24-7 there is no way I would throw them out when I have that invested already. I am going to go with the magnesium and calcium. thanks everyone
16 100 lights? WTF? It would have been easier to just 1 a SINGLE 400 watt MH and be done with it. Plus why would you get that many lights anyway? I think you should have spent some money on a few good books and learned that peppers do need cal and mag supplements. Like they say if you fail to plan you plan to fail. You can continue to throw good money after bad as it's your money, but I would just start over and chalk it up as a leason learned. Heck I would even donate a few plants to your cause or help get you set up with a good 400 watt ballast, hood, and hortilux bulb as I have a few spare laying around.
I have used CFL's (15 total,some 100 and some 150w + one shop light) similar to AJ's in my hydro setup just to start my plants and it has done an amazing job. All of my lights can be moved anywhere in the grow space and I like that. My plants can also be moved as I need. I like this flexibility and I plan on using it again next year. I don't believe all my success is due to the lights, I would say the Botanicare products Pro Grow Blend, Liquid Karma, were the biggest contributor. Big thanks to AJ and my local Hydro shop. Now I am starting to use Pure Blend Pro Bloom and Cal-Mag Plus with the plants outside.
I've got approx 165 plants at various stages 20 in #5 pots, 60 in 1 gallon pots and the rest in 3 1/2" squares.

Cheers everybody