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Growth Spurt

I have really been wrestling with how much to water my potted peppers. I have about a dozen plants in 5 gallon pots and have pretty much just been watching the plants to tell me when to water. I got some really great soil from my dad's property and it seems to hold moisture pretty well. Usually I water them every 3 or four days, but only a little right around the base of the plants unless they are shriveling up or drooping. I also add a little Miracle Grow plant food to the watering can (don't tell Pam). Well after reading a couple of threads on the subject yesterday I decided I may not be watering them enough. So....last night I gave them a REALLY good watering and WhaLaa (sp?) today they went nuts! I swear they all grew two inches in 24 hours. Is this a coincidence and I shouldn't get carried away and begin to water too much, OR should I be watering them like this every day? I am new at this so any thoughts or advice is much appreciated.;)
That's what I do. I water only when the soil is dry a few inches into the pot. If I water from the top I water until I can see it come through into the saucer, or if I water from the bottom until the plant no longer takes up water.