Yeah BSF are on my radar for this summer, Petco sells them as reptile food! I may go buy some around the end of March. We should be sitting in the 80-90s by then. I decided to keep the Grubs in a 5gal with some composting table scraps. I'll just kill them when the are in Pupa/Beetle stage. I have to know if Grub casting are any good, just so I can say "I tried that."
My Meal worms are finally in Beetle stage, so hopefully they lay eggs so I can get some Frass from them, as well as food for our Bearded Dragon.
Here's a thought for an experiment-- I might try this with a few potted plants. Grow half with some fig beetle larvae tooling around in the pot and some without. I'd like to assess how much damage the larvae actually cause. The problem I see, though is being confident that I have a fig beetle larva vs. one of those more known to be herbivores. Did you come across any grubs (with spots) that could be mistaken for fig beetle larvae?