Guard Mantisis on patrol

thanks for post, i don't get mantis' here where i live(too cold) but when i lived in southern Ontario, Canada i saw them all the time and they easily stretched 6"-just loved watching them; them and walking sticks.
I hunted around the house for the egg pouches and put them around my chillies in the polytunnel.3 have hatched so far.There are Aliens everywhere  :)
Mantis and Lady bug protection services
Can you describe the egg pouches or even better do you have a picture?
karoo said:
Mantis and Lady bug protection services
Can you describe the egg pouches or even better do you have a picture?
google for mantis ootheca 
there are several store that sell it for insect control
I had several this year, they just appear in my garden.
I also had ladybugs and garter snakes.
I did not see even one aphid or caterpillar all season.