Guarmal (C. baccatum) - Ecuador - SASBE Offer - 10 Seeds - Offer Closed

I'm putting out another SASBE offer. :) This is for Guarmal seeds. This is a cool new C. baccatum I grew this year from Ecuador. The plant produces massively and has nice large pendant-like red pods with great flavor and medium heat. One of my favorite of this species so far. It does seem to be a long-season variety if you want lots of pods to ripen on the plant. But then again, most baccatums are!

First 5 posters win. Rules are:

if you don't follow directions, you don't qualify. :) Once you post here, send me a PM and I'll provide the shipping address.

1. Send me a self-addressed stamped bubble envelope or regular envelope - again your call

2. Include whatever amount of loose postage inside the envelope as it took to mail it to me. No metered postage can be used to send back the envelope. The USPS doesn't allow it. If postage is shorted, envelope will sit here until given the amount needed to send it.

3. Include return address label (or write return address on envelope).

4. Include ziplock baggie or coin envelope with variety name clearly marked on it.

5. Include a note with your THP user name and offer you're responding to.

6. Be sure to post on this thread to claim your spot. Then PM me for address if you need it.

7. If you have won 2 or more of my SASBE offers in the last 30 days, you do not qualify.

8. Offer limited to U.S. members only.

9. Lastly, this offer is for the seeds mentioned - that's it. I have had tons of requests to add this or add that to a SASBE offer won because it was offered before. My stuff is in limited quantity. If I put a limit on number of winners, that's what I can share of it. Not trying to be a jerk, but make these manageable. It takes time/effort to do multiple ones. It can be challenging determining who won this offer and also a previous one and the envelope already is sent with just one variety requested, etc... Tying it together is very cumbersome.

seriously, if he's starting up the seed train again its going to be a long 9 days for me :rofl: ... I think I already have a whole dedicated cmpman1974 pepper garden bed for 2012.
Yes, you qualify. 1 in, 4 spots remain.

May I please sir? I keep saying no more new stuff for me next year...

No worries, the train won't be rolling too much. I just de-seeded a few pods and said what the hell. :)

seriously, if he's starting up the seed train again its going to be a long 9 days for me :rofl: ... I think I already have a whole dedicated cmpman1974 pepper garden bed for 2012.

I specifically write rules on every single offer and every time you ask. One of my rules says U.S. participants only. I just don't have time to break every one of my rules every time. This would become a full-time job I don't feel like taking on. :(

I'd like to be
I know good ole' Rule #7. Honestly if I didn't put it out there, I'd have the same people requesting 100+ varieties. I do this to help people when I can, but I like to be fair also. I can always be tempted with rare trades. lol. But if I'm giving away my stuff free, I like to establish something like that. I used to run a huge seedbank with endless varieties for a few years. It took up too much time! lol. Now I make things manageable this way.


Geez.........Rule Old No. 7 strikes again...

Great offer as usual Cmpman... We all appreciate you....

I cannot believe no newbies are taking this one who didn't jump on my other offers. Kind of sad honestly. It's great. No, it's not a super hot....

Thats a beautiful pod, now those are the type of seeds I'd like to plant, I bet the plant also looks amazing when the pods are ripening...
I tried to find a photo online of the plant, but found none.
Looking forward to this, Thank you. Do you have a photo of the plant to share?