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scovilles Guiness World Record Holder...EATING Hot Peppers

How hot can you stand it?!!!??
Think your tough enough to eat a whole Bhut Jolokia pod and not think twice?!!??
Well if you are man enough, then try to beat this woman!!!!


I haven't eaten ONE yet, but knowing just how hot they are is crazy.
This lady takes it to the NEXT level, and beyond!
Was cruising YouTube videos on hot peppers and found this video. Thought I should share with you all, since I have watched other videos of people eating only 1 pod.


Seen that video numerous times and it's been posted a here quite a bit as well. She is a freak of nature. She has to be immune to the effects of capsaicin. Nobody who isn't immune would be able to rub them in her eyes like that and not be freaking out in pain. I've gotten powder in my eyes before and it is excruciatingly painful. Get on youtube and find the video of Ted the Firebreathing Idiot rubbing a Butch T (I think?) in his eyes. He eats supers in pretty large quantities on a regular basis, and he cries like a baby in that video.

And, yes, I can eat a whole Bhut Jolokia without thinking twice. But I'm not stupid enough to try what she did ;)

Edit: And perhaps this doesn't need to be said, but the Bhut Jolokia hasn't been the world record holder for quite some time now.
Edit 2: And I'm probably dumb for the first edit. It just dawned on me that you were probably referring to her going for the world record for most Bhut Jolokias eaten/rubbed in her eyes.
That is terrifying. I've only tried a tiny fragment before and was impressed by it. If the shipping gods are on my side, I should have some fresh pods by this weekend. A video of me eating my first whole pod should be posted soon after for THP viewing pleasure. The thought of eating one of them whole has me in an anticipatory state of masochistic glee. The thought of eating eight makes me wary of opening the mail.
That is terrifying. I've only tried a tiny fragment before and was impressed by it. If the shipping gods are on my side, I should have some fresh pods by this weekend. A video of me eating my first whole pod should be posted soon after for THP viewing pleasure. The thought of eating one of them whole has me in an anticipatory state of masochistic glee. The thought of eating eight makes me wary of opening the mail.

Good luck with it! It will be a memorable experience. I vividly remember my first superhot experience. It was a dried Bhut Jolokia. I started out by popping it in my mouth in the kitchen, but once the heat kicked in full force and the endorphin rush kicked in, I had to go to the family room to sit down. My legs got too wobbly to stand. The burn was the most intense heat I've ever felt in my mouth. I made it through without throwing up, but my stomach was in knots for hours afterwards. But I began craving them afterwards and it was amazing how much my tolerance went up from that single pod alone.

So to sum it up, I'm not trying to deter you. But you will most likely be in for a fair bit of pain if it's your first. But don't let it be your last, you'll find that you can handle subsequent superhots much easier. And if you are like me, you'll find that you cannot get enough of them.
The first one is the hardest, but after that they become enjoyable and easier to eat.
Many nutters keep looking for the next "hottest" in order to recapture the original thrill/panic.

Guilty as charged.
yes simply the oil does not affect her body... not that she is hero...

It DOES affect Steve "the Machine" Smallwood though. I was there when he ate 8 Bhut Jolokias in a minute followed by 9 Scorpions only an hour later! The guys was amazing. Later that night when we were at Karaoke I asked him how he was he gave me a thumbs up. Unbelievable!
I never ever want to do what's in those videos. It looks like something you'd do to someone who kidnapped your family I order to forcibly extract information - except I'm pretty sure the bar is set lower than that in the international laws against torturing prisoners. I cannot imagine how hot & umcomfortable that would be.
Not to get crude, but when I eat a very spicy meal, it is like 6-8 hrs and I am on the toilet for a good 15-20 minutes. How did this guy do it ? Also, I am surprised his urine is not burning????????
I didn't feel like I was wanting to be part of that event.

I'm surprised Gordon Ramsay was.

There just seems to be something wrong when you go for twisting Bhut Jolokia's in your eyes.

Watch Hell's Kitchen UK Season 3 - when they have Chef Marco Pierre White (Gordon's mentor) run the show - he comes out of hiding and into the kitchen for the first time in 7.5 years. It's ALL about respect - I stopped email Ramsay with my ideas and started email Marco ! Gordon seems to have sold out for sensationalism or something. Marco - is one cool guy ! Right or wrong ? (he says that a lot).

I LOVE Marco's how to videos on youtube. It's how I cook. He'll be like "you never want to follow a recipe - let it be your guide- always take control, never react" - which is what I've always done -in part because I can't follow a recipe heh... But White teaches techniques. I can't see Marco finding his time is well spent watching someone twirl Bhut's in their eyes.

Anyway- I thought I'd check out some of the forums here - this is a fun one.

Glad this site exists.

I came in like 7th at a trial by fire hotsauce eating contest, what stopped me winning was not what I could take but what I knew was in store for us.... felt like a fat stripper standing on my stomach with high heels and a purse full of rocks!

the pain was so bad 4 hours later that I at 2 containers of sour cream and almost a half gallon or yougurt to stop it, that seemed to work till the toilet part came....

so you wanna do shots of extract , enjoy..!!
Well, I had to go find this on YouTube...
One of the more funnier episodes of the Simpson's (IMO)!
The Simpson's: Chili Cook-Off: