• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.



in the past, i have been enamoured with the lovely look of purple/black foliage plants. my mystery plant from two years ago was a pleasant surprise as it should have been possibly a purple reaper, but turned out to be something much different-looking which kept me interested to see it play out. the peppers themselves were nothing great, but the plant was so magnificent-looking.

therefore, it's always been back of mind to want to try more black/purple plant varieties. so this is the year and we're going full tilt with 11 different types in this theme, all of whom are purported in the 1M+ heat range and are strikingly beautiful from the website's pictures which feature either or both of: dark limbs/foliage, antho-mottled pod colour.

sowing shall occur mid-late january for pubescens, and throughout february for everything else.


Black Panther Orange
Red Gum Tiger x Chocolate Naga Brains
Pimento De Neyde x Carolina Reaper Orange
Pimenta Da Das Fio
Carolina Reaper Dark Magma
7-Pot Bubble Gum x Jays Ghost Pink Purple
Mojo Black
7-Pot Bubble Gum Dream
Bhut x Neyde
Black Bhut Jolokia

(example pics from website further down, so that what you see next is my cover pic)


because of course i have to grow a few non-black ones out of my personal catalogue, but i am going to try to keep it under 25% of the total plants. a few "staples" and some retries of types that failed or underperformed in the past. i am not actually deliberately trying to "black-breed" any of these, but my attitude is they'll be placed in the very situation depicted above and come what may. and we'll only know if i try to grow those seeds in a future year and get lucky not to pick seeds from a self-pollinated pod. the ones that i'm currently thinking of including:

Rocoto (Rio H, EPFH, Giant Yellow) - i can't not? just 2-3 seeds of each and see what makes it, and as the earliest sow to ease me into the season
Scotch Brains Yellow - for sure, as it's highly touted here and i was excited for it but all failed on me last year
Sugar Rush Peach - good chance, to represent milder-level peppers as no or few annuums to be grown, also might be cool if it gets black genes (if it's even possible with baccatum crossed by chinense, i have no clue on that stuff)

Fatalii - did well for me last year and pods were full of heat and nicely shaped, and if it went black i think it would look fierce
Apocalypse Chocolate Scorpion - nice brown large-pod superhot
7BBG x Lava Chocolate - nice brown large-pod superhot
Oracle - only grown in a poor year and purportedly 2M+ SHU
C22 - only grown in a poor year and purportedly 2M+ SHU
Dragons Breath x Brain Strain - also only grown in a poor year
Bahamian Goat - truly one of the goats
and these are just off the top of my head, once i go look in my seed bag i may find some additions or substitutions.

blackpantherorange.jpegrgtXcnb.jpegpdnXreaper.jpegpddf.jpegreaperdarkmagma.jpeg7bggXjgpp.jpegorion.jpegmojoblack.jpeg7bbgdream.jpegbhutXneyde.jpegblackbhutj.jpeg WHAT DO Y'ALL THINK?



comments and suggestions are always welcome. otherwise, next episode will be when the first seeds are down (and hopefully soon up).

(c) GyO productions, LLC. MMXXV All rights reserved.
Nice lineup!

Sugar Rush Peach - good chance, to represent milder-level peppers as no or few annuums to be grown, also might be cool if it gets black genes (if it's even possible with baccatum crossed by chinense, i have no clue on that stuff)

I don't think true SRP should show anthocyanins, but C. baccatum x C. chinense hybrids sure can (see my glog here).
if anyone wants to send me seeds for it, i'd definitely include it.

willing to do a trade with someone, but i have no experience with sending seeds, especially to/from america, and may need help (or i'll just pay for the other party to handle everything).
Happy to send seeds. PM your address.
thanks, brother. pepper people are the best!

this is also pleasing because now i will have 12 dark varieties to grow, and my starter trays are the 12-cell kind.

even just looking at my post above is irritating to me with the one empty space to complete the rectangle lol
quick post from work:

first seeds are finally down! just a small batch (2x 12-cell starter trays), the bulk of my grow list will be sown in the coming weeks but i wanted to start the following ones earlier:

3x EPFH (G24)
3x SCOTCH BRAINS YELLOW ($24) - failed last year so by starting early i can try again if poor results here
3x CHOCOLATE BHUTLAH (G21) - just to attempt to rejuvenate my seed stock for this type
9x TASMANIAN BLACK (c/o Bou) - for the GROWDOWN!!!

(G## = seeds from my grow/year, $## = purchased seeds/year)

this year i added an inkbird thermostat to hook up the heat mats. i have it set to come on at 78F and go off at 82F. does this seem appropriate? the room the seeds are in does get colder than room temp.

this year i added an inkbird thermostat to hook up the heat mats. i have it set to come on at 78F and go off at 82F. does this seem appropriate? the room the seeds are in does get colder than room temp.

I just checked and mine is set at 81.5F, 0.3F HD & CD.
I just checked and mine is set at 81.5F, 0.3F HD & CD. For optimal accuracy, I pass the probe through a small hole drilled in my tray and insert it into a Jiffy pellet (or a cup filled with soil).
thanks for the speedy reply. i have those trays where there's a rotating disc at the top of the lid to trap/vent humidity so i just passed the probe through there and into the corner of a cell and then closed the disc as much as possible. i might consider making a small hole, or i might just tape the vent holes shut if it looks less humid inside than the other tray does when i get home today.

and i will follow your lead and adjust the thermostat to maintain a tighter range as well.
i didn't research anything, just looked through the site of the vendor i have always used with search terms of dark, black, purple.

i had started a thread here last year hoping to glean some insights from fellow users, but the conversation was limited.

as of right now, i have the 11 types i bought, @Bou provided me with CGN21500 x Barrackpore and Blackwater JS, and i am still waiting on the " @PaulG purple thunder mystery" en route from @Downriver .

none of these black varieties have been planted yet though. this weekend is a long weekend for us here, so in all likelihood i will try to get a bunch down then.
the purple thunder has arrived!! now, off to plan my strategy for planting...

loosely i'm thinking to drop 3 seeds each of 16 types (all 14 dark kinds and two others yet to be selected) into 4x 12-cell trays this weekend, and then 2 weeks later doing another batch of any that only came up 0 or 1 of the 3 from this run.
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loosely i'm thinking to drop 3 seeds each of 16 types (all 14 dark kinds and two others yet to be selected) into 4x 12-cell trays this weekend, and then 2 weeks later doing another batch of any that only came up 0 or 1 of the 3 from this run.
It would suggest to sow more to ensure you can select the darker, more vigorous ones right from the start. Also, it would be better to cull more rather than losing 2 weeks due to a poor germination rate on the first attempt IMO...
thanks for the suggestion. my worry is that i don't have enough seed trays/heat mats/table space to start that many at once.

though i suppose i could drop two seeds per cell, but it also gives me pause thinking about separating them from each other rather than just dumping the whole cells into a pot.

i will ruminate on this...
thanks for the suggestion. my worry is that i don't have enough seed trays/heat mats/table space to start that many at once.

though i suppose i could drop two seeds per cell, but it also gives me pause thinking about separating them from each other rather than just dumping the whole cells into a pot.

i will ruminate on this...
I should have clarified that this was mainly for unstable crosses. Plus, when I use Jiffy or (cells), I usually sow up to 8-10 seeds per pellet/cell. Maybe I'm a little abusive when it comes to sowing though, IDK🤔:crazy:
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yeah my trays are that kind you see all over amazon, the green base with the clear 12-cell insert and lid. there isn't a lot of room for multiple seeds per cell, especially if you are going to try to keep more than one from each cell.

and reading @Englander glog and how he was having trouble separating ones from a same cell and losing out on possible growth makes me nervous, and i'm not the gentlest or most dextrous (well as a lefty i'm the opposite of dextrous) to do such fine surgery.

maybe i will look for the other kind of tray, like the single-piece 1020 with 72-100 cells or something to save space for this operation.

definitely some food for thought. thanks, bou.
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so, 1020 trays are quite dear on amazon, all i was seeing were 10-packs of the bottoms for $40-50, 200-cell inserts a 5-pack for $20, and no domes/lids. being not interested in buying each piece separately and in such numbers, i started looking at websites of actual stores. trays and lids abound for $3 apiece (but out of stock at the locations nearby except for canadian tire which is more out of my way), and no cells or once again only a 10-pack for $40+. they also had the tray+lid+72-pellet combos for $15-20, and i thought about getting one or two of those just because time is running out, but i've never used the jiffys before so i was wary.

i ended up going back to amazon to search harder, and found an alternative, which is these 40-cell trays (x4 units, $30) in the style i am used to using. and the size it gives for them means i can (i think) squeeze 2 of my 12-cell trays along with a 40-cell onto one heat mat, so i would have room for 128 starts on the two mats. and we have prime, so it's scheduled to arrive saturday.


wish me luck!