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Hab Cross?

My Wife picked up this plant at the store back in July. It was labelled "Habanero" and is NOT a Bonnie plant. It didn't set pods until fall, but the pods do not look like classic Habs to me. I can tell it at least is a chinense. None of the pods have ripened yet, so I don't know what color they will turn. They seem to have more and deeper ridges than Habs. Also, many are growing upright. One even has a Scorp-like morphology, but that is just one pod. The deep ridges kind of remind me of my Goronong, and the upright growth makes me think of the Sunrise Scorpion. Obviously two obscure strains, so probably not related. Anyone think these are Habs, or a cross, or mislabelled? If mislabelled, anyone know what they are?

Upright, deeply ridged pods:


While most are, not all pods are upright::


One pod with Scorp/Moruga-like morphology. This is the first pod the plant set.

judging by the tags on your jalpenos ask your wife if she got those plants at walmart.... if so they may look like the ones i got from KMART...... same scenario.. not bonnies.. just labeled habanero....



check out this page... but yes... for me they were mild... no fruity taste... and a few were thin walled

im actually growing them out already.. still tiny seedlings...even had a chocolate variant






Thanks for the reply, DeNNiZ. They do look very similar. She had picked up the "Hab" and Jalap plants at the 99 cents only store, so a grower that sells to Kmart and/or Walmart would not be out of the question. Interesting that your's had little heat. Haven't had one of these ripen yet, so I don't know the heat level. The Jalaps in the last photo have almost no heat, even when they ripen to red.
Doc- looks like some Goronong in there maybe.

I agree. In fact, I had mentioned Goronong in my original post. I have a Goronong, and the pods share the deep ridges and somewhat twisted phenotype. These are much fatter than my Goronongs, however, but I can see the shared traits. But outside of the pepper-head community, its an obscure chile. I'd be surprised if some generic commercial grower somehow got ahold of and grew out a Goronong cross and sold it as a Habanero. Anything can happen though. Look at the Bonnie World's Hottest Habanero being a Fatalii.

If this is indeed a Goronong cross, maybe the upright characteristics come from a Sunrise Scorpion. I could see that pod in these more than I could see a Thai or other upright variety.

Maybe the grower, someone who works for him, or one of his vendors, is a chilehead, and came up with this.

Once we get a ripe pod, I think I'm going to sow some seeds and see what comes out. If this is an F1 cross, then the F2 should be all over the place.