Hab Powder/Flakes

I was just sitting around today checking my seedlings
then remembered I still have some Dehydrated Habs from last fall so out came the Magic Bullet and made me som Hab
Powder/Flakes. The green in it is from some green not quite ripe habs that we picked at the apple orchard in the fall.
all the chile's
were $1.09 per pound so we just picked like crazy :lol:gonna use this in stir fries and chili

I made some, too and learned the valuable lesson that you should definitely try not let any of it enter your nostrils!!! Trust me!

Lol, indeed. Also I have found powder a little more useful, just because a flake right on the tongue will burn, one suspended in the food might not even be noticed.

It is delicious stuff either way!
Chiliac said:
I made some, too and learned the valuable lesson that you should definitely try not let any of it enter your nostrils!!! Trust me!


Ha!! I made that mistake 1 time also:lol: was jalapeno so it wasnt as bad as a hab but still ugh i took a big whif of the powder too ugh ack lets just say LESSON LEARNED :lol:
Hey, those flakes look really attractive, like the kind of thing that you'd set on the table whether or not you used it. Having it taste good would be a bonus.
Thanks Pam
That magic bullet blender thingy g/f bought me for xmas really does the trick.She always gets me stuff like that the bullet a jerky gun a wok etc says its for me but it benefits her more :lol: by itself the flakes are way hot(i tried some tongue was burning for 15 minute lol) now i gotta try em in something like stir fry or chili
Those do look like great flakes. That is exactly what I have planned for my pepper, well some of them.

How long have you been using the magic bullet? I have been looking at them because they are air tight and I like that. Right now I'm using a coffee grinder that does good, but when I did a test run on some onion powder. I noticed that some powder would escape around the edges and I figure that would be no good with peppers. Probably would have me gagging and crying...LOL So anything you can tell me about the bullet would be great, like any pros and cons that you have noticed.
Paul ive had it since xmas love the thing
Pros are many many many
only con is cant use carbonated drinks like pepsi
to make icy drinks it explodes all over lol
i like the bullet alot i use it to make my sauces as well
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Paul ive had it since xmas love the thing
Pros are many many many
only con is cant use carbonated drinks like pepsi
to make icy drinks it explodes all over lol
i like the bullet alot i use it to make my sauces as well

Thanks, I have been looking at them on Ebay and have been thinking about bidding for awhile. I think I'll go for it.
I tried the powder/flakes in chili tonight (hormel cause i didnt feel like or have all the fresh ingredients to make my own)but I used maybe 1/8 of a teaspoon maybe a lil less but man was good not blazing hot but that slight lil heat tingling type
overall i was pleased :)
Normally in England the only type of chilli powder you can buy from supermarkets is Cayenne powder but one of the more expensive ones sells Aji Limo. Otherwise all the other powders are too mild and contain other ingredients, salt, garlic, etc.. which is OK but sometimes you just want pure chilli powder.
Well the really cool thing about the spices and pretty much
everything chile related,not 1 person in my family is a chilehead so that means its all for ME ME ME ME ME!!:lol:
although g/f can tolerate some heat in stir fries chili etc :)
I like powders (especially with some of the hotter chiles), because it lets you control more the amount of heat. for small thing just a few flakes is enough, so powder really lets you watch for the right amount.
I want to make some powders this year. I've still got to invest in a dehydrator. (I pick mushrooms, grow chilis, and want to make venison jerky so I'll break down and get it now.)I have to agree. I dig sauces, but powders are seriously really good. I honestly probably use pepper powder in my food more than sauces. However, I did douse my TacoBell with Cajohn 10 today. :onfire:
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
I agree with Omri I love these Hab flakes like he said more control I use these on stoeffers french bread pizza's and
Love it and use it in mac an cheese

I sprinkled a bunch on a chicken terriyaki, carribean style calzone. That's GOOOOOOOOD!!;)
Since experimenting with store bought peppers (Habs included) I have found that I am using my pepper flakes/powder on virtually everything. Like everyone else, I seem to be thoroughly enjoying the Hab powder. I now can't wait to try making powders/flakes from the rest of my various peppers. It's like a whole new culinary world has opened up to me...:)
See, I'm just not a fan of flakes (well, food and people). I prefer fine powdered peppers. It's easier to spread it out evenly and there's no chance of it getting stuck in between your teeth.