Habanero advice needed. Do I need Cal Mag?

I'm growing for the first time in grow bags with MG cause of my time restrictions.  A few weeks ago these were simply beautiful plants.  Now, as they begin to bud up the leaves have yellowed, curled slightly upwards, and new leaf growth is distorted.   Growth seems to be on hold.  Where the flowers have dropped the fruits seem to be stunted and very slow to emerge.  I haven't added anything else to the bag.  
Any and all suggestions appreciated.  Thanks   


Any signs of pests? Aphids will gnaw on new growth....if not then....
It definitely won't hurt at this point...I recently foliar fed all my plants with 1TBSP of Epsom salts and I did a foliar spray of CalMag under and on top of leaves, a week before that to try to correct some odd growth patterns...
The Epsom salts really greened up my Tepins real quick!
No aphids this season that I could see.  Last season terrible aphids.
I got some CalMag on the way.      How much cal mag per quart for a good foliar spray ???
Streamer said:
No aphids this season that I could see.  Last season terrible aphids.
I got some CalMag on the way.      How much cal mag per quart for a good foliar spray ???
I used 1 tsp (5 mil) to a gallon and filled a 32 oz sprayer, adust ph to 6.2 - 7.0 before spraying...you should try the Epsom Salts....with that it is 1 tbsp to a gallon...I did both to make sure.....
Streamer said:
No aphids this season that I could see.  Last season terrible aphids.
I got some CalMag on the way.      How much cal mag per quart for a good foliar spray ???
follow instructions on the bottle  you get 
1 T epsom salts per gallon of water.
2x a month is a good, alternating with liquid fert the other 2 weeks a month during the active grow season.
Valleyman said:
1 T epsom salts per gallon of water.
2x a month is a good, alternating with liquid fert the other 2 weeks a month during the active grow season.
I can understand the Epson salt feed but why when the MG states no fertilizer needed for up to six months would I want to add more liquid fertilizer?
The water soluble MG is fine to use weekly during the active growing season. I alternate weeks but the plants get some nutes weekly. And once a month I add some bone meal and scratch it into the top soil being careful not to disturb the roots and then water it in.
I had very good success last season following this feeding schedule. Try it and see how your plants react. If you think its to much, use 1/2 strength MG or 1x a month .
Sometimes I'll substitute one MG feeding with diluted fish fert  to give em a variety.
I looked back at your plant pics and when min looked like that mid season, I added the bone meal and that resolved the problem. 
Streamer said:
I can understand the Epson salt feed but why when the MG states no fertilizer needed for up to six months would I want to add more liquid fertilizer?
You don't believe everything you read on the back of the cereal box, do you?  ;)
Size of plant vs. soil volume, watering technique, type of plant, temperature, water PH, etc. all combine to determine when the soil is exhausted.  There can be no one-size date where everything suddenly goes tits-up.  If the plants look scrawny... feed them!
Thanks all for the suggestions.  I've been hesitant to take action coz I wasn't sure what to do and didn't wanna make it worse.
I got the Cal Mag in the mail today.  I plan to foliar feed with the Cal Mag and fertilize lightly with Liquid fert alternating between them weekly as suggested.     
Would the Cal Mag be as good / effective vs the BoneMeal?     Can the Cal Mag be substituted for bone meal?