Habanero Chile Powder

Ciao all-

How are all of you making habanero powder? Duane loves the combination of very dark chocolate and chilis and I'd like to make him hot chocolate as well as solid chocolate bars using very finely ground habaneros. What is the process? I'm very sensitive to hot peppers, so I need to be careful. I may have to enlist other help if I'm to make this as a surprise for him. He's normally the chile sous chef.
Ciao all-

Is there a need for taking the seeds out? Do you take the stems off? And how are you drying them? Here in Toronto, the summers are quite humid, I can't dry them as I would in an arid climate. I'm adept at using the dehydrator for tomatoes, but I've not tried it for chilies. Do you cut in half, leave whole, poke holes in whole ones?
I like mine with the seeds in. stems off, dried in a dehydrator, cut the fleshy ones in half and that's it.
I use a dehydrator for most habs and cut them is half to make sure there are no nasties, the seed part is your own preference. When I have a lot to dry I use a dehumidifier or air conditioner in a small room for several days. I find they have a better flavor when dried slowly vs. being quickly dehyrated.
rainbowberry said:
Some people say that the seeds can leave a slightly bitter flavour but I'd leave them in.
Chile seeds? they taste great! nice fatty flavor, and just mild enough.
I saw this about chili chocolate, and had to post this link a bro in UK sent me.



Bih Jolika Chocolate...w00t!

It's a bit pricey to get in the USA, but I thought Rainbowberry would like it at least. :D


Ciao a tutti-

Grazie for all the tips on making habanero powder. I'm definitely going to try to dry Duane's chilies this year and attempt to powder some of them. That chocolate looks like something he'd really like. We get silly Brit stuff over here, maybe one of the shops carries those. Potawie, let me know if you find anything like that around here eh?
Not much around here that I know of, but Kato is a member from Florida who has some great Habanero chocolate bars.
QuadShotz said:
I saw this about chili chocolate, and had to post this link a bro in UK sent me.



Bih Jolika Chocolate...w00t!

It's a bit pricey to get in the USA, but I thought Rainbowberry would like it at least. :D


Thanks for the link QuadShotz, it might be expensive but it looks like good quality chocolate.
I've seen a lot of chilli chocolate in the UK but usually in the supermarkets so I expect they've got 0.0000000001% of mild chilli powder in. I don't like chocolate really but if it has chillis in and it's Bih Jolokia, well that's different isn't it?
wow i use a mortor and pestle to make powder, arent you guys worried about your coffee giving you too much of a kick in the morning ;)
Sid03SVT said:
wow i use a mortor and pestle to make powder, arent you guys worried about your coffee giving you too much of a kick in the morning ;)

That's why ya buy a spare grinder at a thrift store for $2. ;)

(ok, both of mine were free..but I'm good that way...)

Although, I HAVE put a dash of my Bih Whisky in the morning coffee..hell of a way to wakie-wakie. :D
Sid03SVT said:
wow i use a mortor and pestle to make powder, arent you guys worried about your coffee giving you too much of a kick in the morning ;)

There is no such thing as TOO MUCH KICK, just not enough cajones:lol: