habanero pumpkin seeds

I had a few pumpkins this year, pulled all the lovely flesh out and froze it for later use, but I had a slew of pumpkin seeds sitting there with no real plan for them.
inspiration strikes

I salted some water to about seawater taste (I never really measure salt in water by anything other than how it tastes).
boiled the seeds for a few minutes then set aside to cool off and dry out some.

I got a half sheet rack and lined with some foil.
In a bowl, I put all of the pumpkin seeds, a bit of melted butter for flavor and to let the heat better get into the seeds, and a big heaping pour of my homemade hot sauce.
Spread the seed/butter/sauce mixture in the pan and put into a 250 degree oven for 20 minutes, then cranked the heat to 300 and cooked them until the seeds had turned a lovely golden brown.

The butter brought a nice nutty flavor, and the hot sauce brought a lovely hab flavor. The only thing is that for some reason the heat level from the peppers was cut to just a nice warmth. My Mom ate a few and called them "a little warm", and she's afraid of my peppers, so if you make these, be prepared to share!

They turned out very well for my first time toasting pumpkin seeds, they're gonna make a lovely snack.
I found the heat.
The little bits of brown goodness on the foil, what's it called? Fond?
Anyhoo, as long as you didn't cook it too hot, the heat is there. Carefully scrape it off. I ate some just straight off the spoon, then put the remainder back onto the pumpkin seeds.

chilehunter said:
mmmmmmmmmm pumpkin seeds. when I first read the title of the thread I thought you were making pumpkin seed hot sauce.

maybe not seeds, but I wonder what pumpkin flesh would have been like in hot sauce instead of apple or carrot.

I like the way you think, mate.
Might have to give it a go next year.
if you like pumpkin flesh then I dont see why you wouldnt like a pumpkin hot sauce, using the flesh inplace of carrot or ? I think it should work out just fine.
as for pumpkin seeds in hot sauce, they work just fine & make a good hot sauce, but not with habanero types use mexican chiles or similar.
Sounds a wonderful concoction of flavors and using pumpkin seed sounds a great idea..as theres so many of the things in a pumpkin anyway..Nice to but them to some good use and the fact its not always blow your brains hot is a good one,Going to have to try this one,Nice one S.D ;)