food Habanero Stuffed Smoked Pork Tenderloin



Ummmmmmmm...... :fire: Holy Sh*&!

That may be the best... pic... ever!
Did some of those juices become a gravy?

Plating pic!
Yessir, the final 2 hours I put some Orange Juice over them, and "steamed" them in the Bradley (no smoke)...

would you believe I didn't take a plate pic??

Live and learn!
"Location: The Big Apple"

I am following the smoke smell, I'll be there in a few :lol:
CC that is one fine hunk of pig. The pics of the 'thang look so good I can smell the oink! Beautiful! That pork is begging for a side of mac and cheese and black eyed peas!

Cheers, TB.
Im nominating this post for mouth watering thread of the month, if not year. I so want to make that right now.