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Habanero with 100+ peppers, 3 weeks from first bloom.

This plant that I have is setting peppers at every single node. Each branch going out has between 10 and 15 peppers. I stopped counting after I had counted 100 peppers that were the size of a nickel is round. Thats not counting anything smaller..

Funny thing is, this is the plant that I almost lost to aphids during over-wintering. It has no color in its stems/branches(theyre gray/tan and woody looking) and has the smallest skimpiest leaves that I've ever seen.

Should I worry about this plant over producing this early? Should I fertilize it and water it any more often than normal?

I'll be keeping count of how many peppers this plant puts out because I am completely amazed at how many are hanging roughly 3 weeks from when it started blooming.

Should I pot up from a 5 gal. bucket to something larger?
heres pics from a few mins ago..




Apparently that's normal for overwintered plants, they're supposed to be crazy full of pods the second year from what I've read.
Looks like it's doing pretty well. Leaves look normal, stem looks ok, my trinidad scorpion I OW'd looks similar.
Stay the course and enjoy the bounty, imo.
Apparently that's normal for overwintered plants, they're supposed to be crazy full of pods the second year from what I've read.
Looks like it's doing pretty well. Leaves look normal, stem looks ok, my trinidad scorpion I OW'd looks similar.
Stay the course and enjoy the bounty, imo.

I'm overwintering everything now?
I'm overwintering everything now?

Heh. I'm probably going to try for more than just two when the season is winding down (my bhut made it to around a month before it could have gone outside before dying).
If I could have a plant like that with that many chocolate habs on it, I'd be in heaven.
WOW, impressive, wish mine were going that strong, you're gonna have habs alright. IMFO (in my feeble opinion) you must be doing something right:woohoo:
Wow. Just fantastic.

So tell us...

What soil are you using? What nutrients? Just sitting outside on your deck? Anything else you're doing?

I'm planning on overwintering as many of my plants as I can but I'm afraid I'll have to choose which ones to keep when the time rolls around.
I start my plants in an aerogarden and when it gets too big I transfer it to dirt. The stem is about 1" thick and its only a 1 year old plant.

I use just plain regular soil with Miracle grow tomato/vegetable blue granulated fertilizer. I also ground up a few calcium tablets and threw them in a quart of water and watered with that for one day.

I believe that the prolific growth is thanks to the aerogarden.
now if only pepper plants growing year round in a tropical country would do the same. lol

probably overwintered plants stored so much energy while being indoors that when it had a chance to grow it just goes bonkers coz it was given a chance to be grown outside again.

am i correct in my conclusion?