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My soon to be mother in law was given these plants and was told they were ghost pepper plants. Obviously they're not, she gave me one too and it's just starting to pod and appears to be the same thing. Tastes chinense, all the pods are pretty small and I would estimate SHU at around 100-200k, a little less than grocery store habaneros.
Think my jalapeño is starting to cross with it cus it's starting some real funky pods lately and it's right next to it.
Any idea??
Thanks in advance!

For starters, the fruit is what it is...any crossing won't be evident until you grow out the seeds. Hmmm Jalanero, kinda catchy :rolleyes:
I did have a sick orange habanero once that threw out pods like that. After I cut back the roots and branches real hard and repotted into some fresh soil it grew out very nicely and gave me full sized pods.
Hawaiianero said:
For starters, the fruit is what it is...any crossing won't be evident until you grow out the seeds. Hmmm Jalanero, kinda catchy :rolleyes:
Oh yeah that's right! I guess that means my jalapeño is just making funky pods, it has taken a beating from leaf miners recently.