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Habaneros & Oranges

Habaneros & Oranges (My First Sauce)

I have a ½ pound of Habs
3 small oranges
1 big garlic
3 limes
1 red pepper I picked up because it was labeled "red pepper"

I've got white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, salt, pepper etc etc if needed.
What I am looking for is your suggestion on how to make this first attempt at a hot sauce.


What kind of pepper do this be?
Ok, I found a similar sauce in this section but he didnt give amounts so maybe yall can help me with that part

01. Habs (obviously I am going to use the whole half pound) less the one I just ate.
02. Three oranges
03. how much brown sugar?
04. how much apple vinegar?
05 how much salt?

Should I cut the peppers up first and start cooking them down or should I blitz first and then cook down?
Remove the stems, and throw in the processor/blender with a bit of the vinegar....then, I'd start adding the other ingredients a bit at a time while I was cooking on the stovetop.....and taste along the way till you're happy.

Or you lose your sense of taste.;)
paulky_2000 said:
Remove the stems, and throw in the processor/blender with a bit of the vinegar....then, I'd start adding the other ingredients a bit at a time while I was cooking on the stovetop.....and taste along the way till you're happy.

Or you lose your sense of taste.;)

Ok, thats what I am gonna do. Thank You.
paulky_2000 said:
Oh God....

PLEASE don't take my advice....I'm NEVER right....just ask my ex-wife!!!


Well, so far your advice is working out alright. Its on the stove simmering. It is a yellow orangish color. Ah hell, I will be right back with an image.
I'm actually plannin on making something along the same lines tonight. I've got Orange Habs, blood oranges, tangerines, tamarind paste, garlic, shallots and cider vinegar. Also got a variety of other peppers and curry powder I might try and find a use for.
paulky_2000 said:
It's a really nice color! How's the flavor?

Its ok. My friends and nephews like it alot. Its not really doing it for me. I will back off of the heat next time (20 habs this time) and go with a different base. I may make a bunch of sauces before I get one that makes me excited.

You can taste the fruit first and then the heat. I put a can of mixed fruit into it. I think it would be awesome on ice cream. I did put it back in the blender.
What's a can of mixed fruit, fruit cocktail? Use fresh fruit that stuff tasted like wax fruit.
Well, this morning I did a test run with it. I fried up 3 eggs (thanks to my chickens) and toasted two piceces of bread. I spooned some of the hot sauce on top of the eggs. The first thing that hit me was the aroma. My gosh it smelled really good. I ate it and it tasted better than it did last night. I dont know if this is normal but it is not as hot as it seemed last night. The tip of my tongue has some heat, the edges of my lips have some heat and thats about it. You can taste the stuff that I put in there pretty good. All and all, for my first sauce its turned out well. I think what I might need to do is start to purchase some of yalls sauce to see if anything strikes my fancy and go from there. I aint trying to become a commercial sauce maker I just want to make good sauce for family friends and of course me.

thehotpepper.com said:
What's a can of mixed fruit, fruit cocktail? Use fresh fruit that stuff tasted like wax fruit.

I will next time. I was just spearmintin