
I cant Send You Pods but I can Send You Seeds, I just got This Today, Has At Least 100!
Hello Daniel ..
I have many varieties of Habaneros with me.
Will send a PM with the list.
If you are interested in any let me know.
Big hug.
hello guys

i dont wanna be a dispeller but i dont think you can send fresh pods to australaia, there customs will grab them and dan wont get them
as for seeds be sure there clean and fee of any pepper or placenta and the baggies must be clearly marked like this

exsample below

RED HABANERO << plant name
C. CHINENCE << genus
QTY 10 << amount of seeds in baggie


i have some exsperiance with OZ CUSTOMS and i think its ilegal to send pods TRUST ME ON THIS IM SURE THERE WILL BE A FEW MORE COMMENTS AFTER ME

if he wants fresh pods he will most likly have to get them in his country

hope this helps

thanks your friend Joe
You can get dried and jarred habs (and some other good stuff) in Fitzroy. It's a Mexican deli called Casa Ibirica (I think that's it!) just off Nicholson, on Johnston.
I figured it was just a matter of time before some of the OZ members would post...I got seeds...and an endless supply in the produce section at my grocery store. I think Raelacea has your spot!
I figured it was just a matter of time before some of the OZ members would post...I got seeds...and an endless supply in the produce section at my grocery store. I think Raelacea has your spot!

I'm jealous, we used to get fresh habs in supermarkets/delis many a year ago. I'm not sure what happened.
I can pick up Hab, Cerrano, Fresno, Poblano, Santa Fe and of course Bell, Jalapeno (red or green), and Anaheim...if I go to the international section they have a ton of varieties including piquines and Chile de Arbol...I have the added advantages of being on the Mexico border and in the land of eternal sun so our selection is really good. It would suck to get the itch for a Hab and have to plant some seeds and wait 3 or 4 months for them to produce! Hope you guys find a source! I searched last night and found a few places in Australia that sell dried bhuts, and one that sells dried habs, but the habs you had to order my the metric ton, hope your really tough and really hungry!

This place is in your area and offers dried pods...
Never dealt with them, but was feeling your pain (or lack thereof) and searched. I am certain that there have to be better options. I found one thread that claimed to have bought fresh (refrigerated) pods at an Asian market in Australia but no mention as to where. So I think they are too be found with a little searching.
Im Lucky to have a Mexican Markets all over my City the big one around 3 blocks from my House, We mexicans love spicy and have good variety just not Super Hots, we go as far as Habanero Bags