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Habbies Update - June 24th 2009

I'll start off with some of my "West Indies Habaneros", Madame Jeanette like habaneros.




Some more of the above types...


From Above...

Heres an orange habanero pod that was crossed with the above "West indies" type. String tied around it so I dont lose track of it.


Some more Orange Habaneros...
More Orange Pods, one almost ripe...


One of my Orange Hab seedlings suprised me when I was checking it out this morning, this sexy looking pod popped out of nowhere and as you can tell, it's long and bumpy meaning it's going to get pretty big!


One of my west indies habs has a fused stem!


Here are some Caribbean Red habaneros (my favorite).

The blue markings on the stems are from a sharpie, something I use to count pods, this way I dont count the same pod more than once!




And the last two! Caribbean Red plant hanging out one of my east facing windows, just starting to get loaded with pods.


Smokenstein said:
Very nice. I can't wait until my Reds start turning. They're so beautiful... and look so harmless!

I had a few bushes produce some berry sized Caribbean Reds and the other day I popped a "pea" sized one into my mouth and the second my teeth sinked into it, I was feeling the burn, and the great flavor too a bit grassy probably because it's a tiny pod.

A few minutes later the full burn was in effect, I can only imagine what a full sized two inch long one inch wide pod would be like to chew on whole! :mouthonfire:

Heres a plate of the berry sized and some larger ones I removed early to get the plant producing again.

Looks good. I didn't realize they would turn that small. My biggest pods are probably right in between the smallest and largest of yours, but no signs of turning yet.

I've never grown these before... how long does it take for them to get to 2 inches and turn once they are around an inch? We've been in triple digit heat the last couple of days with lots of sun, so I'm hoping that speeds them up.
Smokenstein said:
Looks good. I didn't realize they would turn that small. My biggest pods are probably right in between the smallest and largest of yours, but no signs of turning yet.

I've never grown these before... how long does it take for them to get to 2 inches and turn once they are around an inch? We've been in triple digit heat the last couple of days with lots of sun, so I'm hoping that speeds them up.

If they are bumpy or rugged looking, they are still growing... Once they get smooth and shiny they are pretty much full size.

Mine will get full size pretty quick, a week or so from the time they first set. After they reach full size, they take a long time to ripen, at least a week, but mostly two weeks or more.

Thats the only downside of Habaneros are the long-ass ripening times.
Very, very nice pods! I'm amazed that you are already getting rip pods because you are even farther north than me :( I hope that isn't a sign of things to come for me cause all of my Habs are still really small.
Nice. I like how you kept track of your cross pollinated pod.

I have a fused stem on one of my Fresno's, kinda neat and freakish.
Looks delicious, im also growing a carribean red, its on the window sill at my parents, have produced hundreds of flowers, but as for now its only 4 pods. God and my parents only know why.. :)
Had several fused stems last year - bell and jalapeno plants - but this year only one that I recall seeing. I never could figure out why they do that. Or why sometimes they have 2 branches from the first node and sometimes 3. Go figure.

I'm kind of disappointed my "caribbean reds" turned out to be red but not caribbean. Those look awesome.
Note from the taxonomy police:

All habaneros are chinenses
Not all chinenses are habaneros

This will help to keep confusion down.

Pictures are all of chinenses, not all habaneros.