food habby pizone

Oh....I is I ...who.....ya know......posted drunk......ahem....

Sorry JT!..........ol' boy.....good sport, ol' chap!....heh heh!.....(waits with eyes lowered for the CHEEZY FAIL blow to be delivered by TB......)
Nope, I have broad shoulders. It is I deserving of the fail. I missed the fine print on Quad's search post. I just noticed it said olive oil and thought it funny if I added the extra virgin part. I didn't see the search virgin part. JayT fail. I am drinkinkg though if that gets me a reprieve.
JayT said:
Nope, I have broad shoulders. It is I deserving of the fail. I missed the fine print on Quad's search post. I just noticed it said olive oil and thought it funny if I added the extra virgin part. I didn't see the search virgin part. JayT fail. I am drinkinkg though if that gets me a reprieve.


What you drinking brother? I am enjoying a longhammer IPA.(and dreaming of a calzone, if this seems off-topic;))
Right now I am drinking a vodka and fresh squeezed lemon and lime with sierra mist over ice. I've had two of these, a vodka and sweet tea, and three shots of chocolate cake. Yeeeeee...

Oh yeah and I love calzones too.
Hey Cheezy, are you making the trip to Bowers this year. I am definitely going this time barring an unforeseen hurricane...
N_FF said:
i think he ment EXTRA virgin not just virgin so it will be extra virgin rape. their extra fresh.



You are a successful doctor, pediatric practice here in richville, wife and 3 kids.... and yet you correspond over the internet with this 14 year old, innocent, parmesan.

You were just kidding?

Then WHY, did you send the fromage this glossy 8X10 of your PENIS????????????

QuadShotz said:
well, Swiss Cheese has all those sexay holes...



Where you been?????;) Senor Arboc pointed that out already, but in a snooty, european, stuck up, kinda way.
