Habman's going Hydro!

Well It's early April and I have finally found time to transplant some seedlings.
First off, the Thai twig died as soon as the pepper turned red so I tossed that.
Second, the Thai seed that I had sown directly into the hydrotron did great and I transplanted them into coco coir save 1, which I left there.
Third, I transplanted the Savina's into the hydrodtron.
So far so good, the plants looks happy. Now if it would just make it about 40f outside I would be happy!

Question for you guys. How often do you change your water/nutrients? I've had the same stuff perking for about 3 weeks now and everything seems to be fine, plants are doing great actually. Just curious if there is a recommended change cycle.
P_Schneider said:
Question for you guys. How often do you change your water/nutrients? I've had the same stuff perking for about 3 weeks now and everything seems to be fine, plants are doing great actually. Just curious if there is a recommended change cycle.

I change it every 2 weeks and flush the system with fresh water.
I add nutrients every week now that the plants are bigger.
I think the danger is if you don't change the solution, nutrients that are not taken up by the plnats will accumulate and mess up the nutrient balance + you get bacteria and algae build up.
How often you change nutrient is a function of reservoir volume/number of plants.

My general operating ratio is about 1.5 gal/plant and I change every two weeks. When the ratio is 3 gal/plant, I change every three weeks. When the ratio is 1 gal/plant or less, change every week. Constant nutrient ppm in all three tests.

The 1.5 gal/plant has worked best for me over the whole growth/fruiting cycle.
Well my ratio comes out to 2.83 so it looks like I'm right on schedule at any rate. I swapped out the water and added some flora clean. I adjusted the ph down to where it was before the change but the ppm is around 300 so they have a little something to keep them going. I'll run like this for a couple days and then go back to the nutrients.
So far you guy's advice has been spot on and the plants are doing great so keep me honest here, will a couple days do it or should I run for a week or a complete 3 week cycle?
Your plants look great. I would like to try to grow some peppers in a hydro setup.

The Aeroponic seems like a very simple design to build.


Instead of the sprayers, I would think you could use a Ultrasonic Mist Maker they can be bought fairly cheap ~$15. They sit in the water and use ultrasonic vibrations to make mist and fog rise out of the water. It would be quieter than a pump and less maintenance.

Welcome to thp TELC.
wow that's an old thread.
My plants looked good last year:cool: This year is crap!
I had a red spider mite infestation so I destroyed everything.
{note to self never bring plants that grew in the garden inside}
Now I'm having all kinds of problems this year.

Aeroponic is great but the easiest way to get started is with ebb & flow.